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Everything posted by RobertI

  1. Go to the top of the class John! Well spotted, I had realised after I posted, but I didn’t want to spoil the punchy headline! 😁 I’ll see if I can change it. 👍
  2. My main target last night was the Saturn Nebula NGC7009 in Aquarius. Having spotted it last time out with the 102ED, I thought I'd see what it was like in the C8. It was fairly easy to find once you know what to look for - a small well defined oval with fuzzy edges. I noticed last time how bright is was and tonight was the same, except it had a distinct greenish tinge, more noticable when looking away and then coming back to it. I upped the magnification to around 240x and it was still plenty bright enough, although no additional detail was really visible. Popping the UHC filter in improved the edge definition and possibly hinted at some 'sharpness' to the elongated edges - perhaps the 'ansae' that can be viewed with large scopes? The skies were beautifully clear so thought I'd try the Helix Nebula NGC7293 also in Aquarius - something I have never seen before. I was not hopeful as it was very close the garage roof and deep in the murk of the southern horizon. With the 21mm Hyperion and 0.63 reducer (giving 60x) I homed in on the area, but scanning around, found nothing. Ready to give up I put in the UHC and bingo there is was, a large circular ghostly patch of nebulosity. Without the UHC filter - nothing, completely invisble. I tried the zoom to see if differing magnifications changed the view - 24mm (53x) gave the best view and I could eventually just about see, with averted vision, the dark inner region giving a donut view. I also tried the 38mm 2" Pananview with UHC but it was not so good. Overall pretty pleased to have observed this given how low it was. The Veil in Cygnus was now perfectly placed, so with the 21mm back in (63x) I added and the OIII filter and tracked it down. I generally run out of superlatives with the Veil, and tonight was no exception and probably the best I have seen it, with the Eastern Veil clearly showing 'flames' along the length of the inner arc - so clear - I really need to sketch this at some point. The Western Veil was also clear as a bell, the arrow shape almost like a photo. Sadly I was looking in the wrong place for Pickering's Wisp, but there was a lot of faint nebulosity around. Finally I thought I'd have another go at the Crescent Neb NGC6888 also in Cygnus. I've never managed to see more than the NE half of the crescent and never the full crescent. With the UHC in I eventually tracked down the triangle of stars in which it sits. Eventually I could see the NE half as before, but I really clouldn't say that I definitely saw the full arc. I think much much darker skies are needed! I assumed the OIII wouldn't work for some reason, but reading up it seems it might be better than the UHC - what do people think? A very pleasant and productive night's observing, the C8 doing me proud. .
  3. Impressive stuff from a relatively small aperture John. Nice report. 👍
  4. I did the same last night with my 2” 38mm Panaview and C8 with 0.63 reducer - again not a usual combination as the SCT baffle restricts the field of view. It worked ok, a fair amount of distortion away from the middle but the Panaview seems to do this with any scope. Perhaps a bit extreme, but it worked!
  5. Well, even if it is a long list Stu, I reckon it would still be really useful for everyone - how about just listing your ‘main’ or most used scopes? 🙂
  6. Well done Stu, I expect your scopes are all very relieved to be reunited with you. 😁 Enjoy your lovely west country skies.
  7. Very nice, some of these must have looked superb through 16”.
  8. Twanging the elasticated eyepatch onto my naked eyeball. 🧐
  9. 😂. Agreed, and every time I see those beautiful classic white Newts in the background behind Ed, it makes me really hanker after one, or several!
  10. Yes the thrill of those first views stay with you, regardless of how small the scope was.
  11. Lovely report - some interesting objects. Amazing what you can see with 24”……one day….one day… 🙂
  12. Nice report. That’s a good setup for planetary. What sort of magnification do you reckon you’re getting from that setup?
  13. Enjoy your session Stu, hope you get some great views. It’s beautifully dark and transparent out there but I desperately need a good night’s sleep, so am reluctantly retiring for the night. I can’t remember, is that a 3” class Tak? Looks like a good match for the Giro-WR. I use my 66mm on the GiroWR - nice grab and go. Recently I tried binoviewers with the 66mm and was amazed at how good the views were.
  14. Sounds like paradise Louis. 🙂
  15. Spectacular. Not come across this one before. 🙂
  16. Amazing picture. I wonder what this galactic visitor is whispering in Earth’s ear?
  17. You need to watch the Director’s Cut Vlaiv. 🙂
  18. You lucky chap Alan, must have been fascinating, thanks for sharing. Rest assured any secrets you share will strictly be between you and the 50,000 SGL members. 🙂
  19. Thanks Stu, that’s quite a canon! Thanks, I shall post a little report tomorrow! 🙂 Your scope looks majestic btw.
  20. I’m being brave tonight and trying the 150PL on the CG5 equatorial for visual. Wish me luck!
  21. Nice setup, you have some very nice equipment there. I am a long time observer but a recent convert to BVs for solar system observing. I have briefly tried the BVs for doubles and clusters and I must say I didn't find the experience quite so good as cyclops viewing, so I didn't explore further. For example, I didn't find doubles at high magnifications were as sharp and well resolved. But I have to confess I have not tried low power views of DSOs, so cannot say. I imagine there is a fair amount of light loss throught the prisms though? I'm very interested see what others have to say.
  22. It’s been mostly raining and cloudy for the last 24 hours here on the East Coast, no sign of a clear night. Scope looks fab @Stu Great advice, I shall remember this! 😁
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