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Everything posted by RobertI

  1. That’s a good demonstration of how easy it is to nudge Stu, especially at 500x !! I would imagine with a long pan handle it could be even easier. I can see that life without slo mo’s is possible!
  2. What a lovely find John, so nice when that happens, congratulations. If you do some comparisons one day, I’d be interested to see the different performance between your new scope and the dob on say the planets, Luna and some tight doubles. Would be a nice demo of what premium optics can give over mass produced optics. No rush. 🙂
  3. Interesting comparison. I'm not an expert on imaging but could the longer duration exposures with the TOA (six times longer than with the C11) also be a factor, the longer exposure giving more opportunity for atmospheric disturbance and tiny guiding errors?
  4. Nice selection of doubles Nik. I shall add these to my current list of targets for Oct/Nov. 👍
  5. Ah, that's what Stu's knob is - a fine invention! I understand what the extra knob is for now and sounds like it helps a lot. 👍
  6. It looks like the AZ75 will easily handle my usual side-by-side arrangement of the 102ED-R on one side and the C8 on the other, which is good news. Going purely “push to” is a big step though and I am not too familiar with using the that type of mount for bigger scopes - my biggest worry is the likelihood that the scope will swing down violently when changing a heavy eyepiece or binoviewer - with the SkyTee the axes are locked most of the time as I use the slo mo for my observing, so this is not an issue, but I believe this isn’t the case with push to mounts and I am assuming you have to remember to lock the axis before changing a heavy eyepiece? There does seem to be a lot of adjustment on the AZ75 which I haven’t fully got my head around though. I also suspect that my scopes are pretty short and possibly less of a problem than I am thinking?
  7. The second video is very revealing - it’s impressive that it can be moved so easily with a light touch yet retain the altitude balance at any angle with that large eyepiece fitted. Looks promising. 😊
  8. Thanks Alan, yes good point, it does give a different perspective on pricing. I shall lurk and eagerly wait for more feedback from you and Stu.
  9. To me, a mid-capacity, dual-setup mount without slo-mo and probably without saddles looks very expensive at £550. But I’m wondering if I used the AZ75 and experienced the quality whether I would feel very differently, especially after years of using nothing but Synta mounts!
  10. They are lovely looking things and superb spec. Perfect for t solar system and doubles. I think binoviewers would work really well too for solar system. Edit - just seen how much it was advertised for - a LOT of scope for the money. Good catch. 👍
  11. It will be interesting to see if a saddle(s) is included in the price (I don’t believe it is with the AZ100). If not, given that there are no slo mo’s either, it’s possibly starting to look a teeny weeny bit expensive at £550? But possibly a bit too early to be commenting on price, and I don’t want to divert this helpful review.
  12. Ah. That’s probably a deal breaker for me I think, as I do a lot of solar system observing at around 200x ….. unless someone can convince me otherwise? I’ve not used a real premium altaz mount of this class so I guess I might change my mind when I’ve used one? 🤔
  13. Interesting John. I wonder where the Skywatcher 120ED would come on his table?
  14. Nice. It’s fun experimenting like that isn’t it? I had some nice results holding filters over the eyepieces of my 10x50s - it was like turning on the x-ray vision!
  15. I’ve report. Well done on catching the comet. 👍
  16. I’ve had similar musings over the years - I’ve got money in an ISA so surely there is a way to enjoy it by “investing” in a top quality scope which will also appreciate like my investments? But from what I have seen over the years, it’s very difficult to find a piece of astro equipment that’s going to appreciate. The rare stuff (Astrophysics refractors for example) are already premium priced. However scopes and eyepieces do seem to reach a lowest value of about 2/3rds new price. I reckon the best hope is to try and get a really good deal on a used high end scope, and feel smug that it’s probably worth more than you paid!
  17. Nice rendition of the Horse. 👍 I'm loving NV.
  18. Great to hear that so many people feel the same way as me. I certainly agree that there are plenty of things that can mess up a nice peaceful session - the weather, equipment problems and other people being the main culprits. Those ‘perfect nights’ are pretty special though. 🤗
  19. I recently resurrected my daily mindfulness activities and am really feeling the benefits. If you've never tried it, give it a go, especially if you're stressed or anxious. But it occured to me that visual observing also provides many of the same benefits as mindfulness and meditation. Here are some of the mental health benefits I get from my observing sessions: A chance for some true peace and quiet (as long as the neighbours have gone to bed!) Being 'in the moment', free from distractions and interruptions A close connection with nature, giving a sense of perspective on everyday problems Observing requires concetration and focus, very much like meditation, calming the mind Observing also encourages a relaxed body and slow breathing A sense of achievement from having found something challenging A sense of satisfaction from having appreciated something unusual or beautiful I also find the simplicity of manual altaz setup without any electronics really helps, reducing distractions and increasing the feeling of being in control. Perhaps I'm overselling the benefits, but it certainly explains why I feel so good after I've had a good observing session, and why I feel so good the next day too. If only I could do it more often!
  20. Amazing result, well done! Impressed that it showed up as a fuzzy ball at that distance.
  21. I get the impression they respond to the ‘easy’ queries and just leave the tricky ones alone! You’re probably better off going to one of their ‘retailers’ such as Harrison Telescopes. IMO they produce fantastic, well thought out products, and are enthusiastic about astronomy, but just have inconsistent customer communication.
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