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Everything posted by RobertI

  1. I have a ‘strap’ arrangement on my C8 which goes around the OTA. It works really well as I’ve attached it at the centre of gravity of the OTA and arranged it so that when you pick up the scope, the dovetail is at the side and makes it so easy to attach to the mount. Doesn’t look as nice as a handle though!
  2. Had a good session a couple of days ago in reasonable seeing. Spent some time on Mars, first with the 150PL in cyclops, then with the 102ED with BVs. No Syrtis Major visible at the moment and the features are more challenging. There was some subtle detail flicking in and out of view, and I made the mistake of increasing the magnification too much (250x) and I think I lost detail as a result. Anyway my sketch below.
  3. Here you go, a thread on this very subject below, if you go to the WDS Components website it’s part number 8517
  4. What a fantastic opportunity - so much to look forward to. Please keep us updated with progress (perhaps on this thread?).
  5. Outstanding shots, interesting to see what different scopes can do.
  6. This might be a safer bet as it has slotted holes - I use this one on my Altair Astro 102ED (same scope as the Starfield). https://www.harrisontelescopes.co.uk/acatalog/starwave-universal-finder-shoe.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoezegYSp-wIVGu3tCh2GUQvwEAQYASABEgIF9fD_BwE
  7. Well done on capturing that detail, nice sketch.
  8. It wasn’t me (no seriously, it actually wasn’t 🙂).
  9. Nice. Yes the twist lock style arrangements are a real pain, good for imaging I guess where you need things centred, but not for visual. I replaced mine too, but not with anything as nice as your Click-Lock.
  10. +1 for the Starfield. I’d also consider a binoviewer - I have the William Optics BV on my 102ED and it’s transformed my viewing of planetary and lunar. As for finders, most of the time I use the Rigel Quikfinder, but sometimes, for challenging objects, I add a RACI finder which sits very nicely near the eyepiece of the main scope. My 8x60 RACI finder is rather hefty, I think a 50mm or even a 30mm RACI finder would be better. Jealous of your AZ75 🙂.
  11. I’m interested to hear what sort of answers you get on this one, I know a lot of people have 12” solid tube dobs and really like them. I’ve been thinking about getting a 12 inch solid tube dob for some time, but having seen one in the flesh recently I’m more inclined to go for the 10” as it seems a lot more manageable. Trouble is 10” is not that much bigger than my 8” SCT.
  12. Thanks for heads up, I shall add to my list of “two in a view”. 👍
  13. Yes I’d echo Stu’s comments, try focussing on visual for a while, take the pressure off yourself, and see how it goes, but don’t rush to sell anything (unless you need the cash or space). You may find you are drawn back to simpler imaging, or even EAA, which is so much simpler. I’ve found my interest in different aspects of the hobby ebb, flow and evolve over time, so I hang on to my equipment if I can.
  14. I’m guessing there is moist air inside the OTA, I wonder if one of those desiccant caps might work - it goes in the visual back and keeps the air dry inside the OTA when not being used. I’ve also found my corrector plate dews up a lot less quickly since I gave it a gentle clean to remove the thin film of gunk. I would imagine a mirror prone to dewing would also benefit from a clean, although I don’t think it’s usual to clean an SCT mirror (I’ve never done it).
  15. Sounds like the perfect combination to me!
  16. …..plus a teeny tiny observing chair. 🙂
  17. Over the course of many years I’ve acquired the following scopes for the following reasons: - Celestron C8 - had always been my dream scope since a teenager - Zenithstar66 - I wanted a ‘super finder’ for the C8 - Megrez72 - Because I wanted a 2” focuser for some imaging - Tal100RS - because @Chriswas selling one nearby and I thought “why not?” - RC6 for EAA - Heritage 130P - because at £90 used, it was just so much bang for the buck! - 150PL because I wanted to re-live the experience of my first ever scope I had as a teenager - 102ED because I wanted to see what a 4” refractor with FPL53 glass could do - a lot, it turns out. I still have them all except the Megrez72 which I immediately regretted selling. They all get used for certain objects or in specific situations or sometimes just for a change. 🙂
  18. Enjoy your gear! Don’t be a stranger though. 😉
  19. When you look at an ad for a superb scope like that, and then you see that it is just 10 miles away, you wonder whether the astronomy gods are trying to tell you something. I shall sit here and await further revelation from above ........
  20. The Stella Mira 80mm is a beautiful high quality scope with ED glass and it will excel on moon, planets, solar and doubles. For deep sky I would say you would miss the extra aperture of the 120 but downside of your scope is I believe it’s an achromat so you get purple haloes on bright objects and miss out of very fine detail on planets and moon. I did consider the 80mm Stella Mira when I was looking for a more premium refractor, and i really wanted it, but decided I needed a bit more aperture and ended up with a 102ED F7 refractor, although I also have an 8” SCT for fainter stuff. Do you already have an AZ-GTI? Does it handle the weight of the 120 ok? You might find this video of interest…
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