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Posts posted by Rapallokid

  1. Hi,

    I had a nexstar 6se and it was a great scope.

    I have recently bought a 8se and I love it.

    Aperture wise clearly the 8 has its advantages. But in general,  both are quick and easy to set up. Goto is easy to use and increases viewing time  optics are great. Over time upgrades are straightforward. Finderscopr/ diagonal. Just need to bear in mind humidity and invest in some dew bands. I highly recommend dewcontrol.com great products and service, and in stock.... 

    Hope that helps. 

    • Like 1
  2. Hi to all,

    I recently needed some additional dew strips for 2 " EP's.

    I tried a couple of online astro companies but their stock of astrozap were out of stock and no clear indication when they would be back in stock. ( not their fault ! )

    I was on AB&S and  came across Dew control UK. Made an initial purchase of a 2" EP heater with pick n mix options for connectors, cable types and length . The build quality  is exceptional. Also noticed they had a unique solution for a rigel finder heater.  I bought this with a 2 port controller. 

    Really good quality stuff. UK made. 


    Customer service from Tim was exceptional.


    Highly recommended IMHO 




    • Like 5
  3. Hi 

    I just wanted to give a big thumbs up for the service from Bob's Knobs direct from America.


    Unfortunately there is little stock in the UK and what I needed had to be made to order. 

    The communication,  attention to detail and customer service from Bob was exceptional.

    Big thank you and recommendation from me 


    • Like 1
  4. Hi to all,


    I have decided to abandon  my plans to attend the event this week. 

    I was coming with a friend who does astrophotography.  Saturday was looking like the only possible night with clear skies, but even now the wind is not favourable.

    Dont mind the cold, but sitting around in a tent for 4 days  with poor forecast for me is too much.

    Given the current situation re covid, I would also be more apprehensive about social contact, which I also not really me!


    I hope you all have good time, hope the forecast changes and you get some clear skies.


    Hope to see you next time.



    • Like 3
  5. I'm signed up, coming with an astronomer friendships who is also on SGL, what kit I bring will depend on space left after camping gear. Hoping to fit in a 12"dob. 


    Are jaffa cakes the standard currency or is that restricted to SGL events.

    As its winter a fine single malt sounds in order.

    Nigella, I apologise I didn't mean to copy your post ! I didn't see yours when I put another up a few days later !


    • Like 1
  6. Hi,

    I'm hoping someone else has experienced  the same problem am about to describe  and can help me?

    I am having a problem with the set up of a Nexstar 8se. It relates to the alignment .

    For 10 years, I previously owned a 6se so am familiar with the  setting  up process and how to aligning it.

    However on this scope that I traded up to, it seems to think it is somewhere else ( far away !!)  

    Once longitude and Latitude  are entered ( using coordinates from GPS Stellarium)  and date is entered MM/DD/YY  I do a I three star align but the three start I pick are not the same as the ones the hand set say I have used. Ive never heard of them ! There ore when I slew  to a chosen target it is miles off, I mean opposite direction and through the floor !

    I have also used a city close to me as a chosen location, I used oxford which is around 20 miles. Same result. How can they both be so wrong?

    Another example. I did a single star align on Polaris. So me and the OTA are facing North (ish) .Scope says aligned. I set it to slew to Jupiter, so it should slew around by approx. 180 degrees and upwards . But its not even close. It actually slews down towards my right foot !

    I have done the following.

    The OTA is mounted the correct way. Arm on left scope facing forwards ( image attached)

    Reset the hand set to factory settings

    Updated the firmware

    Changed the power tank and the cables

    Checked every setting I am familiar with in the user guide.

    Im sure that it is something obvious, but it has me beaten !


    Has anyone else experienced this and please can you tell me how to correct it.


    Your assistance would be gratefully appreciated.







  7. Hi to all,

    I have two scopes at the opposite ends of the F ratios and I am looking for advice on the best mix of EP'S

    The scopes are an 8" Nexstar SCT  f 10   ( I have a F6.3 reducer/corrector for this) star diagonal for 1.25 EP's

    Revelation 12 " Dob  f 5 with 1.25 and 2" focuser

    The mix of EP's that I have are

    ED 35mm 2"   ED 30mm 2"

    SVBony 26mm 2"

    Celestron  X-cel 25mm 1.25"   ( Im willing to part with this)

    Baader Morpheus 17.5mm and 6.5mm  ( The 2" fitting does not work on the dob as the focuser cant travel enough to focus for the 6.5mm)

    Max vision 16mm 1.25mm

    Revelation Astro 2.5 x Barlow

    I use both scopes for lunar, planetary, DSO observing.

    The range of EP's I have offers me quite a good spread, what I want to achieve is to improve the quality of the EP's to maximise the scopes potentials.

    None of the 2" EP's can currently be used on the SCT as I dont have a 2" diagonal. Is it worth upgrading this?

    I was considering adding another Morpheus 12.5mm or 9mm. Other option is a Baader Hyperion with fine tuning rings, but I have no experience with these?


    Any advice, guidance or even opinions would be appreciated. 






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