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Everything posted by si@nite

  1. Great images Peter, i agree lovely detail on Saturn, also very nicely processed too!
  2. Nice work Martyn love the detail & colour balance!
  3. You pulled out a half decent image there Martyn despite the cruddy seeing, as you know I gave up with it to be honest , well done !
  4. Cheers Martyn you were out last night too so looks like you hit similar condition! Thanks also John in derby you struggled with it too! Just shows how the seeing is so diverse in different parts of the uk!
  5. Yes Craig, something im not always keen on doing, the colour balance is far to way out for my liking, but theres a place for it, much prefer red lum or other combinations, rrgb works very well on Mars ive found & had good results in the past!
  6. Conditions were poor last night, Jupiter was like a jumping jellyfish 😆 but Saturn a little better! Captured with a C9 & skyris 236 m x1.5 amplification! Heres few different renditions of the ringed planet! Thanks for looking!
  7. A cracking shot of Jupiter Craig, seeing was mush here on Jupiter, but faired better on Saturn!
  8. Well done Mart, very respectable images & you captured the transit too!
  9. Lovely detail Craiig especially the ir shot!
  10. Smashing Mars shot & the mono Jupiter image too, nice work!
  11. Its a shame about the poor conditions but you still resolved some intresting detail from your two runs!
  12. Well caught Pete some nice detail on show there, even with good seeing its difficult get much more with Jupiter & Saturn at this low elevation!
  13. Some nice detail on Jupiter, looks like you hit some steadier seeing than i did on the 12th Peter nice work!
  14. Well done Martyn, lovely image & very sensitively processed too! 👍
  15. Mixed results today, Jupiter was boiling so nothing was worth processing, Saturn was better for some reason only a degree or so higher! Pleased with the outcome especially the ir shot just about make out the polar hex! Taken with a C9 skyris 236M x 1.5 amplification 685 ir pass & upscaled 20%! Thanks for Looking!
  16. Its not easy planetary imaging at the best of times, using a dslr makes life even more difficult because lots of frames are needed to give a good stack result! I agree your images are over exposed & looks like there are focus issues too! Ive reprocessed your Saturn image taking these issues in to account pulling more detail out you can clearly see the cassini & some banding on the globe!
  17. Well caught, lovely transit shots!
  18. Hi Pete Respectable images, detail showing throughout both shots! It's not easy with the planets at this low elevation, & getting up at stupid 0 clock doesn't help either, I needed to do some heavy pruning lol that night just to get a decent window from my location too. It's my first planetary post in maybe two years but nice to be back. I was fortunate to get some very steady seeing on the 24th but sometimes that how it is!
  19. Can not edit my post should have said skyris 236!
  20. Cheers for that info Knobby, & cheers for the link Geof! Ive always had greater sucsess with the C9 on planets, I was over sampling too with the big meade at over 3 m fl with the skyris 326 & less favourable outcomes, so the C 9 is what im sticking with now! But as we all know seeing is everything in this game and makes all the difference if we get that lucky break! 😉
  21. Hi knobby C 9.25 skyris 236m camera × 1.5 amplifier !
  22. Ive reprocessed the Saturn image above, think this ive squeezed a little more detail out on the bands!
  23. Thanks everyone for the generous comments, much appreciated!
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