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Everything posted by tico

  1. .. But on the other hand I think that those with 90° eyepieces are much better in terms of comfort for astronomical observation, as in any telescope we use, especially for zenith observations. , which is when the objects are best seen... the higher I mean! Have any of you been able to compare 90° with 45°? On the other hand, I already have some straight Opticron 15x70 that are good for terrestrial or not very tall raptors... As for collimation, does either of them, 45° or 90°, have any advantages? I mean, does one decollate more than the other, for example? Best regards, Tico
  2. Hello, I know that any telescope is valid for observing doubles, visually speaking, but in your opinions could you advise me on a model that is especially adapted to this type of observations? I'm not looking for the latest in lenses or mirrors... no, but rather some manageable telescope but in which these marvelous objects can be seen well. Thank you Tico
  3. I'm Looking this BT binoculars for astronomical use, but not only but planespotting, bird watch in sea, lake... Terrestrial.
  4. But will I really and honestly be able to see the difference in the image between a 15x70 straight binocular, like the one I use, an achromatic Opticron, and one with a 45° or 90° 70mm binocular with the same magnification? And in this case I am not referring to the comfort of the neck but rather differences in the image... I ask because there is a big difference in price. Tico
  5. I think that it's the Standard BT 82 XL of Explore Scientific..
  6. Thank you very much for your kind answer. Out of curiosity, what models and brand do you have? I imagine there will be a big difference between the 100 and the 70...!! Did they have the eyepieces at 45° or 90°, in your opinion which of them works more comfortably for astronomical observation? For a place with some light pollution, how do they work? I have a more or less robust Manfrotto 055 tripod and a Manfrotto 501 head... I am deciding right now between the 82 and the 70... (the 100 seems more cumbersome and heavy for my support) and the balance is opting for the 82..., on the other hand I have an Opticron 15x70 with straight eyepieces. and I use it frequently, I love it even though it is achromatic, but above a certain altitude it is impossible to use it in a thorough and judicious way so as not to break my neck. I use it for astronomy, airplane observation and for land and birds. I like it more than observing with a telescope, it lacks "life" if I can say something like that... How sharp and contrast are yours? Have you been able to use nebular filters to observe nebulae? Please excuse me for such a long message. I thank you very much for your advice, opinion and time spent answering my questions!! Best regards. Tico.
  7. I prefer one binocular of 15x70 ir a refractor 70/80 for wide angle, I usé the Pronto Televisión for this purpose. I has one Maksutov 90mm but ir it've a field very very small, complicated for To search objects in the Sky with AZ mount.
  8. Hello,, Yes, is true!! For example, a Explore Scientific or APM..
  9. Hello, Currently I am looking for some information about the BT-82 XL binocular. I would use it for deep sky observation at low magnification, and also for terrestrial observation, since to observe planets, for example, I have an SC 8" telescope. In your opinion, how would it work for these purposes? I have a good Manfrotto photographic tripod and a Manfrotto 501 head to put on it. You have used it to observe Messier objects, is the image good with sharpness and contrast? What magnification do you usually use? thank you so much Best regards,
  10. Hello, I'm looking one small ED refractor, for terrestrial and astronomical ( quick look) observations, for serious observ. I've one SCT 8". In your opinion which can be a good and light refractor for visual in one photo- tripod mount? Thanks in advance. Tico
  11. Hello, I've the Lunt 40 b600, really a great solar scope, comparatively with a PSt, very old and a good Lunt 50 b400, I like more the Lunt 40 image, in visual mode, why? I Don't Know!! All above is my humble and personal opinión!! Thanks, Tico
  12. Hello, Anyone know It the Bresser Astro 10x50 individual focus is the same than the LightQuest 10x50? Thanks Tico
  13. Hello, Could we consider the Canon IS 18x50 as a good binocular for astronomical observation? Greetings tico Non
  14. The APM 10x50ED is good for DSO, Nébula and wide angle vistas? And I Don't use spectacles for observing... Thanks, Thabks
  15. Hello, I'm looking for a good 10x50 binocular for astronomical use, but I don't have the money for the Fujinon 10x50, umm!! Can someone recommend me a good one? with good optical and mechanical quality? Do not wear glasses to observe. Thank you tico
  16. Hello, On this occasion I would like to ask you if you have used a binoviewer with an H-alpha, Lunt or Coronado solar telescope. Is there much difference between the images with and without binoviewer? Is it worth the outlay? I just saw on Lunt's website that there is a binoviewer that works well with all of their telescopes, without adding extra magnification. I have seen it similar in Auriga, Omegon, APM... I suppose they are the same, they are called linear binoviewers. Thank you Paul
  17. Alan White, Which is the adaptor and the Ring that you usé? They are two pieces or only one? Tico
  18. Hello, Thanks for comment... After some use, the focuser has softened somewhat, I suppose another would have been better. To focus with my Baader IV zoom, I take out the diagonal a bit... no problem, although there may be some other accessory method that avoids it. The images are spectacular, although not too big.., How would a Lunt 40 DS work? maybe with time we will find out..!! The bulges are well visible, details also appear on the disc, if the dial is tuned they are obvious...Uff the DS must be the bomb!!! One day with a stable atmosphere I was able to use the 8mm zoom with good results. How would an eyepiece with fixed focal length and 72° field work? By the way, how is that Solar Finder mount going? For now I use it with a photographic tripod with good results, good follow-up to this magnification. Best regards Tico.
  19. Hello, Anyone use this binocular for DSO? How compared with others 16x70 like Omegón Argus, Helios Lightquest or the mytical Fujinon? Cheers, Tico
  20. Hi, It' s my first Solar shot, with Lunt 40 and one simple smartphone, whitout process... The visual image was very different, much more spectacular!!
  21. Hello, I just bought a Lunt 40 b600, I used a Baader IV 8-24mm zoom, I had to take the diagonal out a bit to be able to focus, with good results, good images, when the atmosphere stabilized I would say spectacular, a lot of activity in bumps though at high magnification the image softened a bit. , more difficult to see details on the disk although I could see a couple of "snakes" meandering very spectacular.. I have noticed the helical focuser is a bit hard, turning it moves the rest a bit, let's go diagonally, I have to hold this so that it doesn't rotate... I imagine that the standard focuser could be changed for a better one? I would also like to ask you about a fixed focal eyepiece with good optical quality, without blackouts... with the Baader zoom I sometimes notice that it is difficult for me to position my eye for comfortable observation. And one last thing, do you know any method to shade the eyes? Is there any accessory? Tomorrow I will try to try the binoviewer to see if I can focus... Thanks in advance for your comments. Tico
  22. Hello, How Much magnificación with the zooms 8-24mm? It's good for terrestrial images, planes birdwatch..? Thanks, Tico
  23. Hello, I have a SW 72ED within range, but I've never really seen one, I don't know if it can be considered a manageable refractor in reality...?? Has anyone used it for visual observation with a 2" diagonal star? Any problem with the Baader Hyperion IV zoom? is that this is the material that I would like to use and the one that I have.. I also have a 2" amici prism at 45°, would I have focusing problems with this refractor for terrestrial observation? Thanks for your comments. Tico
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