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Posts posted by Dunkster

  1. So if I’ve understood correctly, I need to decide if I want to shoot the moon and planets or deep space objects, as this decides what sort of equipment I need to invest in? I.e. a Dob with a webcam for planets, but an motorized equatorially mounted refractor/reflector with a DSLR for long exposure DSO’s?

    The moon and planets are relatively bright, so it's possible to get away with just a tracking mount (eq not necessary) since the exposures are very short...typically using a webcam at 10 or 15fps or higher, and then using a processing technique called stacking to filter out the duff frames.

    DSOs are relatively faint and the same technique can't quite be used... it's necessary to track the object with the shutter open (dslr or pricey ccd) for minutes at a time. Which is the part that requires an accurately tracking eq mount, eq to counteract field rotation (streaky stars due to the rotation of the earth in what appears from here to be a big arc).

    It's further complicated by the focal length and focal ratio of the scope too, but I'm up to my knees in hot water so I'll let someone else follow on :D

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