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Everything posted by Chris

  1. You're correct, the older ones are Nitrogen and the newer ones are Argon. Its interesting to speculate why they changed ?
  2. No difference visually. I think Argon would escape more slowly than Nitrogen as Argon is more than twice as heavy. I think maybe that could be why they switched to Argon perhaps?
  3. Nice! I'm sure it will do a cracking job, I should never of sold my 32mm thats for sure.
  4. Crikey! yes you could get a decent mount, scope, and a CCD for that and still have money spare for Jaffa cakes!
  5. Sorry for dragging the thread back up. Great review and bang on the money I'm excited to be getting a WO ED66 SD back next week hopefully. I sold one a couple of years ago and regretted it since. This time I'm getting a snazzy metalic blue one! As above I'm going to use it on my C8 for widefield imaging/guiding/super finder, plus also grab and go on the porta II mount with my ES100's and Vixen SLV's I'm not making the same mistake twice! once received its hear to stay!
  6. I also bought mine purposefully for my C8 Edge and so far I'm very happy, they really open out the field of view plus none of that eyelashes hitting the glass mallarky like I had with the ES82's. I would like to try them in a frac or dob sometime but this will have to weight until I own one with a 2" focuser The C8 Edge is quite a machine so your C14 Edge must be something else!
  7. That's one serious collection of glass! and hears me debating if I've got too many What are your thoughts on the ES100's Plantins? I've been gobsmacked by mine so far
  8. lol Jeez! it looks like a thermos flask next to that cup Dan! I bet focusers and diagonals quiver in fear!
  9. luminos/axiom seem very well priced now days, might have to give one a go at some point:-) Holy smokes that 31mm is massive!
  10. Very nice range of binos there Avtar Chris
  11. Just brilliant: * Bought ex-display Vixen BT81 binocular telescope for a good price, asked for them by chance on the clearence thread! * Delivered promptly as always * Had problem with star shapes and double image when used with my existing 20mm pair of eyepieces which came with my WO binoviewer. * FLO sent me out a pair of Vixen 15mm SLV eypieces to see if the scope or my eyepieces were the problem. * Eyepieces arrived the very next morning. * I tested the scope with new eyepieces that night and the scope worked great! so the problem was with the tapered barrel of my existing eyepieces. * I'm buying these eyepieces but at no point was I obliged to as they were sent as a loan * Aware that me and my wife have just had twins, FLO sent us a present and card for the twins! Both me and my wife are blown away by this! oh yeah, furthermore, because the Vixens were ex display they were not sent in the original packaging for obvious reasons. Without me even asking they have arranged for the original packaging to be sent to me from Japan! Simply outstanding service! Chris
  12. Thanks I enjoyed that! So at f/5 you are hard pushed to tell the difference but if you own a very fast f/4 scope its probably worth getting TV's if edge sharpness is paramount. Thats the "in a nutshell" I took from the thread I dislike scatter, ghosting and poor light through put even more than soft edges at 82 degrees, so considering both TV and ES seem to control these aberrations well I'll stick to ES even if I get a faster scope. Well, unless I see a TV at a very good price Chris
  13. After owning both TV Nagler and Panoptic and ES82's and Maxvisions I do find it diffucult to justify the extra cost of for the green and black beauties. I admit I've not done any side by side tests as I've not owned them at the same time but from memory if I compare my previously owned 14mm ES82 plus my current 11mm ES82 to my previously owned 13mm T6 Nagler, I think both makes have fantastic build quality, scatter is no problem with both, contrast and sharpness is excellent with both, the stars a good to the edge @ f/5 with both. If I had to take a punt at any difference from memory I would say the TV's had a slightly warmer feel and maybe a touch better ER and the ES had slighlty more light through put but it would be good to have the ES and TV side by side to comfirm this as its not a massive difference from memory. Has anyone done this side by side test I wonder?? Chris
  14. I have a pair of 10.5 x70 BA8's (Helios Apollo/TS Marine etc) and a pair of 7x50 Vintage Bushnell Instafocus. These are subject to change at some point, I'm thinking a good pair of compact and low mag bins for hand held and a pair of large angled and interchangable eyepiece bino's mounted would suit me better (something like the Helios Quantum 5 or 6) Chris
  15. Thanks John, a great report of a range of EP's I've been curious about for a while. All I can say is wow, if they deliver BGO type views in comfort then they are surely going to be a winner! I have a set of Circle T's for the quality of view and a set of BST's for there comfort, the SLV's seem to combine these attributes in one eyepiece at a reasonable price - nice one Vixen! Chris
  16. Chris

    Chris's Astro pics

  17. Chris

    M51 27.03.12 V2

    From the album: Chris's Astro pics

    This image of M51 was taken over several imaging sessions finishing in March 2012. I used my WO66 and Canon 1100D taking 160x120 second subs plus darks, flats, and bias shots, then stacked in DSS with 2xDrizzle and levels and curves in DSS and Paint Shop Pro.

    © Chris Lock

  18. Chris

    M27 DSS PSP

    From the album: Chris's Astro pics

    This shot of M27 was taken in July 2012 with my 150p and modded Canon 350D. I used around 30x45 seconds subs stacked in DSS and levels and curves in DSS and Paint Shop Pro.
  19. Chris

    M31 8 9 12

    From the album: Chris's Astro pics

    This shot of M31 was taken in August/Sept 2012 with my WO66 and Canon 1100D over 2 imaging sessions. Its a total of about 70x90 second subs plus 20 flats stacked in DSS and levels and Curves in DSS and Paint Shop Pro.

    © Chris Lock

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