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Posts posted by Pingster

  1. Im currently using a Baader UV/IR Cut-Filter before a Quark, 127mm ES APO. Everything seems fine. However i have noticed that the a lot of heat still passes thru the filter. I know the Quark can handle the heat, its the UV im mainly hoping to reduce as thats bad for our eyes.

    I did some reading and i read that a supplier discovered the  Baader UV/IR Cut-Filter was actually poor at reducing the heat, and that they discovered the Baader H-alpha 35nm CCD Filter does a much better job. Looking at the photos of the filter it looks extremely red! I assume this would greatly change the look of the sun?

    Has anyone has experience using the 33nm filter in Quark for visual?

    I am thinking 2in 35nm filter before the Quark, and one 1.25in Baader UV-IR Blocker on the barrel of the eyepiece would provide max protection outside of having a full external ERF?

  2. I have the 127mm of this scope. Explsore designed them this way so that theu are as short as possible for transprtation.

    The positive thing is that without any extention tubes you can use binoviewers with them at native magnification. Or errect inage 45deg diaginals for daytime viewing without correctors or barlows. If you get into binoviewing. Its gonna be a real treat for you.

  3. I have the 16in goto flextube. Its an amazing scope. Im only 5"4in tall can easily manage it alone, its on casters and i can push it alone into and out of my van usin the tail lift.

    Since you have pernament storge for it, the 16in is a viable solution. Make sure to put it on casters that have har rubber wheelsnand not inflatable wheels (wobble).

    The 16in scope is about the largest scope you can buy in the UK and cured my apature fever! I always want to see more, but knowing you can really buy bigger scope in the UK for decent prices.... 16 cures my fever.

    If you go for 14, you will always wonder what the 16 will be like. Also the resolution gain of the 16 over the 14 will be significant.

    Good luck with your decision.

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