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Everything posted by Pingster

  1. Im currently using a Baader UV/IR Cut-Filter before a Quark, 127mm ES APO. Everything seems fine. However i have noticed that the a lot of heat still passes thru the filter. I know the Quark can handle the heat, its the UV im mainly hoping to reduce as thats bad for our eyes. I did some reading and i read that a supplier discovered the Baader UV/IR Cut-Filter was actually poor at reducing the heat, and that they discovered the Baader H-alpha 35nm CCD Filter does a much better job. Looking at the photos of the filter it looks extremely red! I assume this would greatly change the look of the sun? Has anyone has experience using the 33nm filter in Quark for visual? I am thinking 2in 35nm filter before the Quark, and one 1.25in Baader UV-IR Blocker on the barrel of the eyepiece would provide max protection outside of having a full external ERF?
  2. I have the 127mm of this scope. Explsore designed them this way so that theu are as short as possible for transprtation. The positive thing is that without any extention tubes you can use binoviewers with them at native magnification. Or errect inage 45deg diaginals for daytime viewing without correctors or barlows. If you get into binoviewing. Its gonna be a real treat for you.
  3. I saw two in 3hrs while watching the out door Olympics closing cerermony in Blackheath.
  4. Love reading your blog. Keep them up. Good to see you enjoying this hobby so much :D
  5. Great to hear you are lovig it. Wgat you neex now is a nice widefield lens suchs as a 31nagler or better still a 21ethos xD The 31nag give me the best views in my 400flextube. I wish now tho i had gone for the 21ethos.
  6. Wow! I recently made a wooden one for my Helios Quantum 7.4 45deg, you yours is a thing of beauty! Welldone. I too hightly recommend others use a paraellogram with gaint bins. When i first got my Helios i really enjoyed them. But even with their 45deg eyepieces i got serious neck strain after 2mins of observing! And the woodenntripod they come with is totally terrible for astro use. I was gonna sell the quantums because they were simply a pain in the neck! But now i have the paraellogram, i am loving them and using them everyday theres a clear sky. Its just so relaxing on a recliner with the eyepieces just floating into any angle you wish! Off topic, the eyepieces that come with the H7.4 are good for dayime but any bright stars just off the centre of the FOV turn into double stars! The coma is terrible. I highly recommend hyperions, much better sharpness across the FOV. What eyepieced are you using and how is the FOV sharpness?
  7. Really enjoying reading your blog. I dont comment on them. But trust me a really enjoy the read :D
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