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Shashi pal

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Everything posted by Shashi pal

  1. Thanks a lot guys , finally found it , it’s the camera sensor , I use cannon 2000d dslr Now I am checking how to clean that
  2. i took few picture of saturn in RAW format , it look terible , but moon pictures are much better . may be for moon i have to low the ISO not sure . i cleaned the mirror as much as i could , i have no idea where these patches comes from , they are not from camera lens as i did took picture from camera , i do not use any eye piece . and when i saw by bare eyes , i do not see these marks on any of the mirror , i had cleaned the mirror lots of time , when i put my camera on telescope and i zoom in , i can see these patches , but when i do focus adjustment on the telescope , these patches do not have any effect , so look like these are not from primary mirror , otherwise i could see some impact while doing adjustment , not sure i am not professional , i am looking for help . i tried to clean as much as i could . i use sky watcher 127 , new of this telescope cost around 300 pound and companies are charging like 270 pound to get this correct . its insane ,so i have no option to get it correct some how on my own , i will be very very thankful for any suggestion and guidance kind regards
  3. Thanks for reply , vedio was i can see few patches but not that bad , but when i take pictures of stars , on long exposure timing , it’s really look terrible last night I did shoot moon vedio and i could see few patches but not much
  4. I had notice few dust particle , look like they enter by eye piece , may be eye piece fell down on ground during observation and when I put them back on telescope , dust fell down inside , I saw lots of vedio on YouTube , I also phone few companies but they charge a lot , new telescope similar one I have is around 300 pound and they charging around 270 pound including postage , sounds crazy Cut to long story short , when I do focus on secondary mirror I can see patches like cotton thread , primary mirror so far look ok to me , i clean my primary and secondary mirror lots of time , but these patches are at same spot and same shape , look like they are scratches , If we zoom this picture, it’s look terrible I do not know what can I do now ,
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