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  1. Thanks for the advice and really sorry for the delay. Been so busy and haven't had a chance to log on. I intend to go that route alright. I think I will just stick with Siril and manually stack the registered pp_lights from now on
  2. That's fab thank you. I will be adopting this workflow going forward I think. Rich from Deep Space Astro has a good video on manual stacking which I have practiced a bit. The method of running the script and then only retaining the pp_lights seems like a nice easy way to do a few multi session images so I can concentrate on my rig and alignment side of things and a little less on trying to figure out this current problem. Many thanks again!
  3. Hey Swillis, yes I believe so. Sirilic creates an analogous process folder to Siril and all the pp_lights are there. Each has the same appearance as the stacked image essentially
  4. Yes I can use the scripts, mostly the OSC-preprocessing script. That is what produced the 2nd image above and how I arrived at the final processed image eventually(via photoshop). RGB eq and Cosmetic correction made a small difference to the extreme green hue but that is not really the problem. Siril can easily get rid of the green hue. The main issue is there is virtually no detail in the object(the spiral arms in this case). It's like a single sub, rather than a stack of 160 subs.
  5. By the way, here is the result when I just stacked in Siril. Pretty happy with it for a beginner image to be honest. Lots to improve of course. Just wish I could have done it more conveniently in Sirilic as it was a 2 night session. I'm tracked but unguided so just 30 sec subs for a total of 3 hours. 150PDS on EQ5-pro. Lumix G7 M 4/3 camera
  6. Sorry for the delay to everyone, I am working at the minute but will answer more extensively in an hour or so. I feed only RAW lights, darks, biases and flats into Sirilic. I've a reasonable idea from looking at the script what it is attempting to do alright as I have practiced some manual registration, calibration and stacking in Siril. The key confusion here is why Sirilic outputs such different a result when fed identical data as Siril. I literally did one right after the other from the same set of lights and calib frames. Siril is fantastic and I find it very straightforward. I went into the OSC-preprocessing Siril script and compared every line to the Sirilic script. I tried changing some parameters which were different such as no RGB equalisation or Cosmetic Correction in the default Sirilic but none of it made any improvement. I even just stacked the lights in Sirilic to see if there was a problem in the Offset and Darks part or the process but that didn't help either. Thanks to everyone for the replies. I will be back on here soon
  7. Hey everyone, First time poster here. Short version: Sirilic produces a very different image than Siril does from the same exact set of data, same lights, darks, biases and flats, from the same session.... I stack my files using Siril but tried Sirilic due to its reputation for making multi-session stacking easier. It turned out very badly. The image was washed out green with very little data to be stretched. As an experiment, I took a single night session and did the OSC preprocessing script in Siril and took the same night session and ran it as a single session (not multi)in Sirilic. The results were complete different from one another as can be seen in the two attached images. Both are shown in Autostretch viewing mode. Somehow Sirilic treated the data differently than Siril did(more precisely, it produced a script very different to Siril's OSC-Preprocessing script). Sirilic Script is attached below, though I can't see anything in it that would produce such a subpar output. To be clear, it’s not that the data needs to just be stretched in Sirilic, it’s that the starting point is not the same as in Siril using the same data and in fact after much stretching etc, the data doesn’t even seem to be there. It’s like something akin to a single image rather than a stack. I have tried adjusting several parameters in Sirilic but nothing has made any improvement to the output image that auto-loads in Siril If anyone has any suggestions, I'd really appreciate it Many thanks in advance
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