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impactcrator !!

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  1. HI and welcome to stargazing, Starting up is always very frustrating. I will make a few comments and the Dob mob will correct me if I am wrong. I have a celestron nexstar 127 slt Maksutov-Cassegrain so no collimation is needed. It sees the leaves on a tree across the valley. That said, who really cares! You can get good binoculars to do that. The dob is the go-to to see distant objects like galaxies but is less useful for the planets. Firstly, get rid of the Barlow (as has been already said) as that magnifies things by a factor like 2 making things harder to focus on. I tried one once and did not like it. Secondly, switch the Baader 1V to 24. It clicks in place. I use one. This gives you a wide field of view and less magnification making it much easier to focus. Finally, look at the Moon as your first object as it is hard to miss and see if you can get used to your machine. Otherwise, find a star and make it look like a single point of light. In other words, baby steps. Soon you will have it! Happy Gazing and Clear skies.
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