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Everything posted by steaven1325

  1. Hi all, Wondering what are people’s thoughts on the various NB SHO filters available in terms of optical quality and bang for the buck. I see a lot of great photos with most of the types listed below. Is there any advantage to sticking with filters from one set or mix/match different band widths and brands? Any brand which tends to have most consistent filters? Any particularly susceptible to halos? Antlia: 2.5nm SHO Ultra 3nm SHO Pro 4.5nm SHO Edge Askar 3-5nm SHO Color Magic Astronomik 6nm SHO Baader 3.5/4nm SHO 6.5nm SHO Chroma 3nm SHO 5nm SHO 8nm SHO Optolong 3nm SHO 6.5nm SHO ZWO 7nm SHO CS
  2. I just agree with everything that has been said above. I have the same scope and I love it. The first upgrade I did was to get a better short focal length eyepiece (the 10mm that came with mine was horrible to use with spectacles). Consider that, because of the long focal length, your optics is quite forgiving for eyepieces of "lesser" quality.
  3. have just taken delivery of the new little Askar 71f Quad, and it is a lovely little scope, but I too like the look of the 107 as a main imaging scope…😀 Askar make some very nice kit, and 15% discount is very tempting…
  4. You are welcome to the forum .
  5. Hi all, I usually perform a 2-star alignment and polar alignment routine on my NEQ-6 mount using the handset. After I have aligned the mount I unplug the handset and connect the serial cable through which I connect the mount to the laptop. I open Carte du Ciel, connect the scope and normally Carte du Ciel would know "what the scope is pointing at". So far this procedure has worked smoothly but tonight I realised that after this operation Carte du Ciel "thinks" the scope is somewhere else..not so far from where it should be but enough to make it impossible to use the go-to functionality and center an object for astrophotography. I've checked that location and time are the same across CDC, Ascom and the Handset and I don't know what else to think? Any idea? Clear skies!
  6. Not sure the dobsonium column gives anything as put that mount on a tracking base whether altaz or eq platform and the column would be green, just the exposure length capability would vary
  7. Hi everyone, I'm brand new to astronomy and am looking to buy my first telescope. I have been looking around for relevant specifications and brands and came across this >http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3704408 85758&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT< I'm sure that telescopes are like everything else in that you get what you pay for. This does seem to tick the boxes for what i'm looking for however (+100mm aperture, long focal length, under $300). Can anyone give me some advice as to whether this is a surprisingly good deal or a fantasy that will drive me mad? Any advice at all would be much appreciated!
  8. steaven1325

    New member

    Am new here , Thanks for having
  9. steaven1325


    You are welcome!!
  10. You are welcome Giancarlo!!
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