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Everything posted by plkwo

  1. Thank you, @Kon @Astronomist I managed to recalibrate the laser collimator so that rotating it keeps the laser point steady on the wall. However, when I place it inside the focuser, the laser point still fluctuates, indicating an issue with the fixation. If fixation were the root of the problem, rotating the eyepiece should produce different results, but the image remains the same regardless of the eyepiece's orientation. This leads me to believe it might just be a characteristic of Dobsonian telescopes in daylight settings and I have test it on stars tonight for further confirmation.
  2. Thank you, @Bruce Leeroy @Astronomist Indeed, when I rotate the collimator, the laser spot moves around wildly. It appears that the laser is only aligned correctly when the collimator is in a specific position in the focuser.
  3. Hi everyone, I recently bought the Sky Watcher 8-inch Dobsonian to dive into this fascinating hobby. After assembling it, I added the Baader Mark IV eyepiece along with the included Barlow lens (see attachments) and started testing by observing distant trees. However, I noticed that the views through the eyepiece are somewhat blurry. While I can see some details of the trees, the clarity and colors are not as sharp as I expected. Interestingly, when I close one eye slightly and position it towards the bottom edge of the eyepiece, the image becomes clearer. I even managed to capture this effect with my camera, as shown in the attachments. I also tested the preset 10mm and 25mm eyepieces and encountered the same issue. Despite collimating the telescope (see attachments) and tweaking the focuser, the problem persists. Is it normal to get a slightly blurry image, or am I missing something? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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