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Everything posted by pepeto

  1. Oh! That is indeed inconvenient But just wait until they get their electricity bill! Will probably take them down themselves (?
  2. pepeto


    Lets hope it stays that way! Thank you for the welcome🙃
  3. Hi everybody! I am new to the forum and also to astrophotography. I look forward to sharing some pictures of our lovely natural satellite. This picture was taken on July 28th, 2024, at 03:20 AM UTC-3, from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Best regards!
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  4. pepeto


    Will do! Thanks!
  5. pepeto


    Thank you!
  6. pepeto


    Hi everybody! I am a beginner on this subject of star gazing. Currently I use a Zhumell z100 telescope (amazing telescope and a good price, i think?) and I'm into observing planets and deep-sky stuff and currently learning more about celestial mechanics and astrophysics! Hope it is okay with you all if I share my daily findings. Besides stargazing, I like 80s music and cats! Looking forward to be part of this community!
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