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Astro Alex

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Everything posted by Astro Alex

  1. Hi Vash, Thank you for your feedback and for carrying out the process to bring some detail. I will have a go over the weekend. If any I like, I will post a copy. Thank you again. Kind regards, Alex.
  2. Hi Vash, Thank you for getting back to me. My setting were Tv 120s, ISO800 and I managed to get 83 lights, (taken between 11:30 and 02:30 on the 28th July ) The Askar 103 scope and 0.6 reducer / 77D was mounted on an AM3 and controlled via the ASIAir Mini. I used Deep Sky Stacker with associated calibration frames. The attached file is the 16 bit tiff output. I was always told the image should be black. I am thinking something has gone wrong. Any advise.
  3. Hi Vash, Your image is amazing. I have been trying to improve in my astrophotography and therefore recently purchased the Askar 103 APO for use with my Canon 77D, I took some images of Andromeda. I am interested in your camera settings as my results were not good. Did you use any light pollution filters. Your input would be greatly appreciated.
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