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  1. So I took people’s advice on how to get the best out of what I currently have and i manged to go outside last night and capture this photo of the moon with my phone Im quite proud of it and a did a small amount of editing just to bring out some details and I used the highest magnification lens I had and this is by far the best photo i’ve ever taken. Thank you guys for the advice!!! :)
  2. Thank you so much for everyone's help! @Elp With Imaging I wanted to start off simple with the planets just to start off and get used to it and then I was hoping to move on to deeper sky objects once I was familiar with everything. With the quality level I'm not looking for some extravagant image but still something detailed if that makes sense. In terms of budget I'm not too sure what my budget is but I definitely know I won't be able to buy top of the end equipment. I am looking second hand for things that will produce good images. I was looking for cameras too and I was thinking a Canon 450D because I've seen pretty good reviews on them but maybe If anyone else knows anything about that camera or they have recommendations they could let me know? @Stuart1971 Thank you for your reply!! I looked into some of the things you listed and my budget is definitely not big enough for some of those items. However, the ASI178mm and the Skywatcher Evoguide 50ED are 100% something I will try to buy because they are within my range of budget. In terms of the mounts, I think I will have to look at getting a second hand one as all of them are quite expensive. Thank you for your feedback I appreciate it!!! @W0nderste That is a beautiful photo of the moon! I looked at the A ZWO ASI120 and if I look second hand I'll definitely be able to buy it!! For your suggestions of programs I should download I can't thank you enough. I do have deep sky stacker but I could never figure out how to use it. I will definitely give those programs a try and thank you for telling me how to get the best results with what I have!! @Norris AdamsWow!!! Those photos are absolutely stunning!!! I had a look into the telescope Skywatcher 150Pi that you suggested and I would say that brand new it would probably be a bit too expensive but I could definitely look to get a second hand one. For the camera that you suggested Altair GP Cam 327, I also looked at pricings for that and it's not too bad!! I can't wait until I'm able to get photos like yours!! Thank you so much!!!! I appreciate everyone's help and suggestions. I will be sure to do some more research on cameras, telescopes, mounts etc as well as reading more into astrophotography. Thank you so much!!!
  3. Hello, I have a Celestron 114az telescope and I am looking to get into astrophotography and I have done some research which has left me overwhelmed please could someone advise me of where to start with this as in what is the next piece of equipment I need to buy or any recommendations of websites or people that could help me. Thank you!
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