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Everything posted by Currently_existing09092010

  1. thank you! But if you would sum it down to yes or no, what would you pick?
  2. Thinking about buying the WO GranTurismo 71 APO (the bundle: gt 71, flat 6aIII uniguide 32 mm and camera rotator). For those who have it, what are some pros and cons? Is it worth it?
  3. Where i live it says i have bortle 5 skies, but when i'm looking at the dumbbell nebula i'm looking right towards the city
  4. Thanks! What if i get a barlow? Let's say 3x. Would i get about the same size without changing the quality of the image?
  5. I recently borrowed a friend's canon 550D and took some pictures with it using a SW 200/1000 and a GoTo mount. Focuser is damaged so images may not be the best. M27 30s exposure 1600 ISO unprocessed M57 30s exposure 1600 ISO unprocessed This is the one I would like to talk about. I would say that as the second night out with this DSLR the image is pretty good! But the problem is that it's a bit small. The thing is, i want to switch from this 8in telescope to a WO 61mm Zenithstar which has almost 3 times less focal distance. Now i'm not sure if the FD is the problem, but if it is do i still buy the Zenithstar? Thanks in advance, George
  6. Hey there! i have been for a while now in another city and i've only gotten back to researching 2 days ago. Is there a way i can remove amp glowing? Or it would be best to change the camera?
  7. I would, but today, from my skies, you cant see any planet or bright enough DSOs. best i could do is try to capture the North American Nebula or M57. although the moon is visible. is that ok?
  8. Hey, Elp! Thanks for the suggestions! I have one more question though. what camera is best for autoguider?
  9. most planets and a couple low magnitude DSOs like orion nebula or andromeda galaxyy
  10. Heyyo everyone! I am not so new to astronomy and astrophotography. i currently have a 200/1000 mm skywatcher scope, a motorised eq-5 and a zwo 224 MC color. I noticed that the 1000 mm is a bit too big for the zwo 224 and i would like to change not only to a smaller focal length but also an apo scope because of chromatic aberation and all that. my budget is about 600$ but can go to around 800$ if i wait a bit. I searched on Astroshop and i found these: Apochromatic refractor AP 72/420 EvoStar 72 ED DS Pro OTA Apochromatic refractor AP 80/600 EvoStar ED OTA Apochromatic refractor AP 62/400 Evolux-62ED OTA I asked Chatgpt and it told me about these: Orion ED80T CF Triplet Apochromatic Refractor Astro-Tech AT72EDII ED Doublet Refractor William Optics ZenithStar 61 APO Refractor Explore Scientific ED80 Essential Series Triplet Refractor Now i don't know how good these are because i've never had an apo scope and i don't know what stats i should look for.so i am asking for your help to tell me which one is the best out of all these, or tell me a better variant. Thank you in advance, George
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