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Posts posted by sykocis

  1. My sincerest apologies for reawakening this old thread.  Firstly, I just want to say, this is an amazingly well written process document.  Thank you @Alan64 for constructing it. If it weren't for you, I would never have been brave enough to disassembly my CG-3.  My reason for posting is this. I was gifted the Celstron Astromaster 130eq by my father (regift as I bought it for him as a present previously).  Immediately I saw the faults of the mount and by the good graces of the universe, I stumbled upon this thread.  I am having a time with trying to remove the RA Worm assembly.  There is no locking nut but, the bolt has been screwed in practically all the way, making the shaft impossible to turn by finger and, very difficult with the slow motion extension knob. Is there some sort of tool need to remove the bolt.  I've tried using penetrating oil and some angled needle nose pliers but, I am worried about damaging the bolt since the metal is pretty soft.  I have the assembly in the freezer currently, in hopes that that will help.  Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.


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