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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. Omg Ty so much Your focus knobs axis is 90 degrees to your dovetail, like how mine arrived in the case but I rotated the tube rings so they're not as in pic below. It's ok for me to do what I have, right?
  2. Can't balance it with the vixen dovetail I bought as an extra so no pics for a few days until I return the short dovetail for the longer one I originally ordered. Or find a weight and somehow attach it to the front but not keen. Pretty annoying though, especially as I can see some blue sky peeking through and could have tested ok this might not be quite accurate as I might be able to slide the tube forward a little in it's tube rings. Stay tuned for more exciting updates Seems balanced now, just without the wiring
  3. By Jove I think I've found where it should be, but a second opinion would be welcome
  4. I think this is my plan, but I'll mark it once I've balanced it. Famous ladt words, but balancing my dslr was no problem, but it's not a lot of mass. I'm guessing it will be trickier with my new stuff
  5. When I manage get a pic of it in a couple of hours, I'd suggest wearing shades before viewing
  6. yeah in a perfect world i might be able to do that but not right now. ill break it down into bits but leave guide scope/cam and flattenter in place. the flattener is pushed in so that the little rim in gripped by the screws on the scope itself. the focuser is out a little. im guessing i will have to adjust this a little when i can test it on stars. it was surprisingly easy to get into focus on a quick test, so im a little skeptical i've done it 100% correctly not sure about my guide cam though. nina picks it up in equipment/camera tab though. are you plugged into an asi air there? my wiring is not as near ;( we have a surprisingly similar set up. will post a pic if get it all mounted later.
  7. It was in the case my evolux 72ed arrived in. I don't think there are any in the telescope itself, so it looks like a freebie
  8. ok lol so maybe i'm over confident but that was easy enough. i push the flattener in almost all the way until the lip is past t he locking screws. i'd moved the focus tube (i think correct term) out a bit via the focus knobs. after that i can easily focus past and back a power line tower maybe 3/4 mile away. im hoping that's close enough. next dumb question: if i leave the flattener attached to the scope, it won't fit in the nice case it comes with so the case is really only for medium to long term and i should leave everything set up as much as i can? also i don't see anywhere in nina to set the guide scope focal length. do i need to install PHD2 because it looks like its included within nina already? i focused the guide scope and cam via the asi tool seems ok.
  9. Oops for title meant to say this screw Any screw aficionado recognise this one? Think it has a small hex socket on top.
  10. Well it's arrived but slight hiccup. I'll deffo try in daylight, no reason I can use my mount and point it at a distant power line, focus on that. Then use fine focus with my bahtinov mask on a bright star to get it spot on. In a few weeks when there maybe a clear sky. I can deffo get the guide scope and camera going in the meantime. I will probably be tempted to try imaging something with the guide scope and cam lol.
  11. I was just about to chuck a couple of toilet roll tubes in recycling Stuff should arrive before twelve so soon see how I get on
  12. Ty so much this, will attempt follow it with my stuff. Bit apprehensive about it tbh
  13. So mine must be the long tube version, too? Which means less of my image train will be hanging on a bit tighter so maybe less chance of tilt? I won't be doing any rotating for a little while as I get used to this thing.
  14. If you mean me, sure Once it arrives and I've laid out my telescope adjustment hammers. sadly, the vixen dovetail won't colour coordinate with my mount, so we may have to shield out eyes oh yeah, and wires. Lots of wires. And if proper tripod hasn't arrived, imagine my £5 flea market tripod is an amazing one, robot hewn out of carbotanium. And gold.
  15. Yeah I've seen few videos that mention the tilt, also the camera hanging off a 5mm connector. But not entirely sure what they mean. When I try slapping it all together tomorrow (I've pre prepared my set of highly calibrated hammers) I will do it on a bed for safety;) I might have more context after that
  16. Apologies, might have to ask you more questions once it arrives and I've googled nosepiece
  17. No idea which version I'm getting. They seem popular so I assume I'm getting a later one. I'll attempt assembling it all without the rotator and see if I can focus. If I feel the need to rotate, I'll try rotating the OTA in it's rings. Would the rotator be suitable if I get a osc in future. Ty all again for the help. About to Google "my first telescope help"
  18. its the one on flo website stellarmira. i'd hate to send the rotator back but if it rurns out i could do with out it that would be ace. im not sure how much i'd need or want to rotate. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/sky-watcher-evoframe-camera-rotator-for-evostar-72ed-ds-pro.html https://www.firstlightoptics.com/stellamira-telescopes/stellamira-2-inch-field-flattener-with-m42-adapter.html
  19. it will help if you're suggesting i copy this but modified with the bits i don't have? could be a great help ty
  20. just thought i'd mention this is my first telescope, so i might be a bit slow on the uptake of any advice
  21. hello again has anyone tried using all three of the above together? is it possible to achieve decent back focus using this combination?
  22. Yeah I just been looking, some are not too bad, plus I have a lion from a golf trolley might have potential. Probably only potential for fires though With my upgrades I should be able to get acceptable results.
  23. In an ideal world I'll get a cooled osc but keep my 600d and get it modded. That way if I ever have an opportunity to travel to a dark site, my entire kit can be battery powered without needing a huge portable battery power supply thing
  24. Hey I really appreciate this it really explains a lot. I think for me, though, I don't like f stops as they can't be compared on different lenses. I've avoided exposure compensation on my dslr (mostly) but will get a budget telescope soon with (obviously) a fixed aperture. I'll try not to accidentally switch exposure compensation on my camera. One day I will get rid of dslr and get an im585 cooled osc. I really like the (from my noob perspective) the small fov it gives. In the meantime I can perfect my telescope and guiding skills. I'm sure there will still be plenty of headroom for me to improve my results before I even get the osc
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