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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. I don't quite follow, sorry. When you say "All the galaxy detail has been blurred out via using NR on it'" do you meany crap quick post process or vrobells quite amazing result from same data? I didn't (as far as I know lol) use any nr, but I'm assuming vrobel did. And I can see way more detail in his image. Way way more. Vrobel image made me sad and happy. Sad my processing skills are rubbish in comparison , but happy that someone with skills can make something that (to me) looks so incredibly better with my same limited data. I think it shows my data acquisition seems ok, but I need to work a lot more on my processing skills. ****************** ok, looking at both images again, and i can see how vrobel's is more blurred (in a way) but i think its a much, much better image than mine by quite a long way. My version looks more grainy and granular and far worse. I can tell my own post processing skills are going to need a lot of time and practice to improve, and, even if they do, my aesthetic sense of what is attractive on the eye may need even more work
  2. that looks pretty amazing tbh maybe ill try and get pixinsight if/when i ever slightly approach your skill level with gear and processing.
  3. its a dslr, its going to have lots of noise. i really dislike the obvious red stuff, but hopefully more total integration time will improve it. also a camera upgrade. just concerning to see two different coloured gradients across my first attempt at stacking across multiple sessions and wondered if i did something wrong.
  4. ty all sorry for asking a silly question, but i was keen to make sure removing it wouldn't effect anything. there was a crosshead on the end of it inside the scope ring and it looks much sleeker now
  5. ill give it a go. if i break it i can probably get another if i need it. i was hoping if i took the ring off and looked underneath/other side of the screw it would have a phillips or flat had groove
  6. Sadly I only have one dslr Is it possible to remove it and put it back later?
  7. The one sticking up from the top of the rear tube ring? It looks terrible and might take someone's eye out Can I get a cap to cover it or unscrew it with out damaging it or the scope ring? I don't like my guider being on the finder scope bracket but it seems to work ok. I assume I could leave the screw in, put another in the front ring and mount a clamp to put the guidesscope on in future?
  8. Sure will be an hour or so though on phone atm. You want the tiff of the combined stack I took a quick screener of at posted at the top? It's about 700mb from memory I think. I "solved" the drizzled starnet issue. I just resample back down to sensor size before star removal. It's not ideal. Obviously none of that except the drizzle will be in the tiff I saved from dss
  9. That's kind of you to say, but the edge stars are now squarish in the combined stack which to me means it must be worse in whatever respect that suggests. I don't really handle noise in post except a remove green noise before I photometric cc. It works well from what I can tell. The general noise reduction feature doesn't really seem to have much effect, but I haven't watch any videos on it yet. I'm using deep space astro siril YouTube tutorials mainly. His videos are a nice balance between brevity and really in depth.
  10. Ah yeah, I'm trying sirilic to (effectively ) create a custom script. It seems pretty ace, just struggling a little. I'll see if it plonked the .seq files in wrong place. Ty for the help and yes, I massively underestimated storage space. Just for post processing. Never even considered storing multiple sessions. currently trying to beg/borrow/steal stuff to concoct a cheap Nas or possibly flash drive raid arrays lol. and then double that for some sort of redundancy
  11. Sorry yeah I know to do a background extraction (and more,) it's part of my workflow but I never seen a red gradient and a green one on same stack before. Also they seem perpendicular to each other. Stars in corners look square but maybe a little back focus too far from sensor. Maybe under sampled more likely ? Guiding was about 0.20 (1.6") all night (though straight up) not sure if those guiding numbers are ok? My image scale is 2.02" so maybe? Hfr was under 3 all second session, but those sins were 60 sec first session was 120 sec. Second session sins max score in dss was 600, min score in first session was 1000. Both sessions same dither setting every 3 or 4 subs 7px in siril. As for sirilic, it goes through and works fine until it tries to look for .seq files then aborts. I'm wading through the docs for siril but struggling to fix. Id guess I'd missed a check box, but very few I need to check. Below is a quick post process including photometric cc and I've over saturated cos I also think "natural colour" isn't great but no filters. Moon was up and bright though. Was hoping to see a bigger improvement after two nights combined. Optimistically id say noise was reduced a bit. I probably shouldn't expect too much until I'm a bit more consistent and go 2 to 4 to many more hours.
  12. just wondering if anyone can suggest anything for this result? i can see some blobs from flats not working (maybe?) and a red and a green gradient. this is from two groups stack in dss tried average and median kappa seem to get same or very similar results. i'd do this in siril but having some issues with siririlc.
  13. currently trying to use dss to stack two different evenings on m101. maybe 5 hours total i notice my previous session subs score about 1100 (120 seconds) and the ones i did last night score around 600 (60 seconds). are those numbers relative to each other or for each session?
  14. So next clear skies and for the next few, I want to start a first project. Assuming all my gear runs smooth, etc. I'd like it to be big bright, fill my fov and be up high ish all night. My gear is 600d unmodded sw gti evostar 72ed with flattener no filters and auto guiding. M101 is about the best I can come up with. M31 will be up higher/longer in the autumn? Planning to use sirilic and maybe two hours of data I already have. Any one have any better target? M101 is a bit small but it could look good. Markarians chain is another option.
  15. You should be able to reset the layout from options. Also check out you tube videos on how the layout works.
  16. apologies that noise might be because i decided to use some odd 1.5sec long darks. re stacking now. auto stretch doesn't look much better tbh but here it is result_7674s correct darks.fit
  17. here it is in all its glory. OSC result_7674s.fit
  18. the result is in and, unsurprisingly, its rubbish bad stars, what looks like walking noise more than two hours total integration, but i guess it is F8
  19. i couldn't attach my guidescope for want of a second screw. i use my only screw to hold the camera to the dovetail i tried to image m86 (cos i thought you asked for that not m81 and m82 lol) but i had meridian flip checked and on centering it would flip flop - sending the mount from one extreme to another, so i thought i'd leave it for now and come back to it later. so im doing m101 for maybe 2 hours unguided 120s subs at iso800 right after that ill do m81 m82 focusing was a *&*&^^ &^")(* "q(*"(*&£(&*^*£ excuse my french. i used the bahtinov from my 72ed, got it pretty much perfect then took test shot. stars were terrible. so i focused them by eye/hfr. 4.5 ish was the best i could manage. even with this recalcitrant b£$%^$d of a lens, 3ppa with nina is a dream. didn't even take the caps of my mount's polar scope. 8" total error in pa in about 15 mins Popped to the shop decided to use chrome remote desktop on my phone to check any problems. Everything seems good but hfr getting worse and I CBA trying to refocus I might just leave it on m101 see what happens
  20. ty all for this, ill download the plugin should do the trick.
  21. Er how do you choose a specific star? I can choose from a limited list of stars via manual focus target in image pane, or a DSO via the atlas. But I can't find a way to search on a star name. Apologies if this is really obvious
  22. for the life of me, i can't find a way to do it, unless i can find a dso very close and use that. which i can't anyone any ideas?
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