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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. ok this ties in with a lot of my thinking atm. perhaps in the future, when i need just a little improvement to beat hubble ( ) i maybe look at any minor tilt issue i have. guiding, ill have another go tonight, hopefully, and share a log, but i was hoping 0.18 (1.5) ish would be ok considering my pixel scale and my other gear. i'm using astro sharp in my 'work flow' now and it seems an improvement over not using any blur related software. i doubt its as good as blurxterminator though. also looking at my subs there were some plane trails in it. not sure if doing 3 minutes over 2 minute subs is a big advantage for me shooting in colour.
  2. yeah i agree, but before i do i need to make sure i buy the correct bits and peices that will work first time for my gear. jupiter is visible for a little while after dark from where i am, but for now im gonna try and concentrate on maximising hours on something. Until june ish, when i think stellarium is telling me m31 is back. ngc4889 "thousand galaxies" is interesting atm. who wouldn't want a pic containing 1000 galaxies?
  3. How does it know o what my seeing is, when I don't know? Also, is it a accurate prediction/calculation?
  4. After 3ppa in Nina and focusing main and guide scopes and recalibrating phd2 I took the attached pic. It's 23 x 180sec but clouds arrived full calibration frames. It's cropped and a quick post process (which I over did). My guiding was around 0.18 (1.6) in Nina. I think I could improve that with more medelling and maybe resorting to the backlash in Dec axis via a physical screw, but I'm not keen. It's possible my 3ppa was too accurate. Are the above numbers good enough for my gear? Also, hfr in phd2 was in red and over 4 most of the time and the zoom on guide star looked a bit big. Is this likely guide scope focus related? I have not changed gain control in phd2 think it defaults to 48. I also noticed one egg shaped star in top left but not really anywhere else in stacked image (not visible in the attached crop image). Likely a result of stacking not back focus? Lastly, there's a button in siril I think measures tilt and the top left of the quad overlay seems about 20% more than the other 3 which usually seem less than 10% different. Can a sensor tilt in just one corner, rather than in a plane? Sorry for continually asking more questions and requests for help. I do think I'm acting on them all and putting them to good use, but I might be a tad bias
  5. Ty for this but I have a lot more reading to do before attempting this side project. Maybe when I run out of galaxies
  6. i actually thought the moon a pretty dull target to image, but your images are nothing short of amazing.
  7. im gonna go look at astro tools see how big saturn and jupiter seem in my fov. i have a 600d 4.29 pizel size even with a 5x barlow, jupiter looks about 2 x 2 pixels in astronomy tools
  8. been some time since i've used any processing software and gimp is free. i can basically open and save stuff, but i'd like to try, er cloning/smoothing out some parts of the starless image outputted from starnet, from a sprial galaxy image. mainly just to see if i can then stretch it further before bringing out too much noise. im gonna watch the link below but just wondered where the 'stretch view' (like i use in siril) is located or called? i can't google it if i don't know the official term. Also i assume gimp has a basic clone type tool for me to play about with?
  9. Ty all for this need to have a detailed read. I thought maybe I could use a Barlow, screw it all together in image train and get (eg) 1000mm and f12 ish. The low f wouldn't matter planets are bright. As usual seems not. But need to read all the above in detail first. Ty again
  10. I've been using astro sharp last week or so and it seems good. I'm a noob but might be worth a try?
  11. Apologies, I was thinking catadioptric was another term for a spherical mirror If I find a very cheap one locally I know what to look out for now ty
  12. Ty for this. I meant more how would I know from looking at it? Big aperture shorter tube length would suggest not spherical/catadioptric? Or the opposite? Or neither me trying to collimate it would be something I'd only try on a non spherical newt? Only for the possibility of imaging with it.
  13. If I happened to stumble across an old newt with the idea of messing around with collimation *just for the lulz* is there an easy way to tell if it has a spherical mirror?
  14. I'm quite amazed by this, Ty. If I could focus it decently it could be a decent travel scope option. I did also use it for like 40 mins on the flame nebula. I got an image, but it was rough but it was recognisable. Perhaps I've been too harsh on it.
  15. This is incredibly good considering the data you had. I might try fettle it's secondary mirror if I can adjust it. It could make a really handy travel to dark skies scope. Maybe.
  16. I'm doing ok so far with m101. Need to add more hours to it, but for my "non premium" gear, I'm pretty amazed. I don't have much zoom for galaxies though, so I'm killing time for m31 and Orion to return. Unless I get an astro cam for some it nebulas.
  17. I bought my gear cos it was cheap. Turns out, I really bought my gear because I can pick it up in one hand and run.
  18. You need multiple apps and then guess. Maybe like NASA, if 2 of the 3 agree then act on that Or just look out the window. There is nothing like English weather for unexpected rain or unexpected anything. I swear I've had rain without a cloud in sight.
  19. below is the best i can do with graxpert, siril and astrosharp. my main issue is i can play with curves and bring out more detail in the galaxy, but i get a lot more red background noise. im guessing this gets better with more exposure time? apart from that, im pretty happy with this i feel like i could solve that a bit by doing a clone on one part of the starless starnet++ output to another and cover up the red noise?
  20. Are you using it via pixinsight? If so run it first standalone, get the denoise ai and gradient ai Exit and use it within pixinsight. Might fix this.
  21. My 600d is unmodded, I leave it on auto white balance. All my imaging is controlled by Nina. Should I be doing something about my white balance?
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