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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. Ok ty for this. will have a go doing as you said this evening, will try and watch a video and read those docs first. I really haven't looked at any of those tabs or attempted anything with them except look at console output.
  2. And thanks everyone for the comments and help, much appreciated. I have rewired my wires a little better now. Not much more i can do until i get a nano windows pc to put on it and a better camera is a higher priority
  3. This is really odd, as first step i do on the stacked outut file from dss is load it into graxpert and crop it. I guess ill have to have another go and make sure i appy the crop I had a look at how to subtract offsets but as i can't stack manually in siril, i don't think i can do that either. Before (if?) i learn to stack manually in siril AND apply 2048 offset, is it worth me continuing to add to this one target?
  4. I had to stack in dss, as i couldn't get sirilic to fully finish due to it not being able to find .seq files. I can't stack manually in siril yet, i still haven't read through the documents explaining it.
  5. I can just about live with a green gradient but with a red one too, its tricky to process out.. hopefully ill improve. i've attached the post processed sum of all 3 nights, total of 5h22m integration time. Also a screen shot of the auto stretch view of the stacked file from DSS after a photometric colour calibration. I've overly post processed it again, but i think its the best i can do so far. I think i have the start of the dust lanes, but it could be my over processing. Would welcome any tips/advice or highlighting any problems. Focus and back focus seems ok. No obvious egg shaped stars, etc.
  6. What format are you saving it from graxpert in? What are software are you opening thatb saved file in?
  7. i think its half flux radius? nina displays it in the image pane for last/current image taken in the sequencer and phd2 also shows it and colour codes it - above about 4.5 it shows as red? also shows on the graph of number of stars and hfr ?
  8. well i added my third session from last night. it wasn't supposed to be clear but i went into garden at 11pm and saw stars. took me 43 mins to set up from scratch to pressing play on nina sequence. i stacked all 3 sessions in dss, red and green background even more prevalent, but i did a background extraction in nina on the starless portion and it got rid of most of it. I did a quick post process just now and (obviously) need to go back and stretch it a little less because the red noise is still there. But was also an experiment with generalised hyperbolic stretch. Whether all 3 sessions togther improve the image or not is almost impossible for me to be able to tell, especially after i post processed it though attached is a quick post process. stars are over stretch but still have some colour and still too much red banding but ill take my time with a better effort later. stars seem round even in the corners and i only cropped a little around the edges.
  9. 1 I'm finding focusing my guide scope to be difficult. I can see them in PhD display and the clunky zwo app is as bad. Could I attempt it by changing focus and monitoring the hfr value? 2 no that's pic is after I sorted the wiring, and, as you observed, the blue usb is dragging it down. Will have a go later see if I can do as you suggest. At least somewhat anyway. 3 the mains cable has some red button thermal cutout. Not sure how Id protect it like you say except maybe a plastic bag didn't know to fully unwind it. Could be a trip hazard in dark though. Ty v much for all that feedback it's really appreciated. my guiding was ok, but a bit worse than last session - probably a combination of my guide focus and the dragging usb cable. Mount did do a proper meridian flip for the first time - i made the wait before/after values a bit more conservative. it loses me 10 mins of imaging time, but it seemed to work fine so im not changing that.
  10. Yeah a quick measure and it looks marginal, my "sorted" wiring doesn't help. Need to sort the wiring even more
  11. So...I can stack two sessions in dss. So I can pretty much add more and more. Each sessions lights get a score. Are those scores relative to each sessions lights, or across them all?
  12. I'm just thinking no harm in me practicing collimation if I come across something very cheap before buying something proper.
  13. No clear skies so I've sorted my wiring It's not perfect lol but an improvement. Shockingly everything seems to work. Should I lose the pier and use the leg extensions or just leave it as it is? Seems fairly stable this far like the pic.
  14. I have an unmodded 600d with a sw 72ed and flattener. I linked couple of images taken with it below to give you an idea of it's potential. I'm certain I can get better results if I increase my total integration time for these 1 to 2 hours to 10+ and get better processing skills. At Xmas I had camera + tripod, then added mount, then Nina, then got main scope and guide cam. everything I *need" to image, but not everything I'd like
  15. There's a heart favourite option by each object listed as you search?
  16. This last pic in particular is really making me want to try this. At some point in distant future. Really nice image
  17. Gonna have to read/research this a lot more, but it sounds like very good advice. When I keep my sky too dark it does look odd/oily as you say.
  18. Some of his lectures are available on YouTube. Anyone who thinks they understand Mongolian nose trumpeting, doesn't
  19. Your knowledge of this subject seems in Dire Straits.
  20. Beyond my abilities so far, but I've watched your YouTube channel quite a lot over last couple of months and it's been a great help.
  21. Well I failed with my idea of having two layers, one stretched by me as a guide layer but I'll try again later. I couldn't add two layers lol it kept replacing one. I think you're correct about the effect of cloning, I just wanted to try for myself and see. will update if I get it working in some way.
  22. i was hoping to clone over some areas in the starless output from starnet++ before stretching that same file. if i clone after i stretch, i will be cloning more noise. at least that's how i see it in my head i just want to try it out. im not sure how i'd find which bit to use to clone over other bits, before stretching in gimp, without that changable view option siril has (linear, auto stretch histogram etc). Its possible i can copy the initial layer to a new layer, stretch one as a guide for me on the unstretched layer? then delete the guide/stretched layer?
  23. I still want to try cloning over some areas in the starless output from starnet. Just to see any effect on how far I can stretch. Just need a way to see un stretched tiff in gimp without stretching it
  24. to be honest, if i can maybe see some tilt in only very far corners, this is the perfect solution for me really. i mean, i usually crop in at least 5 maybe 10 pixels or more as routine anyway i forgot KISS, sorry
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