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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. Those Pegasus power boxes look great but cost more than the mini pc I'd like to get I think I'll have to stick with hottible wiring until I can get a power box and mini pc
  2. If you still get choking like problem, try different and/or shorter usb cables
  3. I just use chrome remote desktop. Free and seems great
  4. I'm seeing tiny mele quieter 3 for about £150 on fleabay. I just need to research getting power to three usb devices from these things. And some money astro cam is still a higher priority for me, I think, as long as my latest rewiring attempt holds up. An asi air is the obvious choice, but I don't like manufacturer lockin and I really like Nina.
  5. That is an amazing setup. For my more basic setup, I just need something that can handle 3 data usb and three power usb. Maybe just two power usb if I replace my dslr with an uncooled osc. Are yours mounted on their scopes and if so how and how heavy are they?
  6. It sounds like I should be happy with my 40 minutes then ;( I don't have to deal with ice, but mainly "oh, clouds are clearing up, will it be clear in 40 minutes time and for at least an hour after?"
  7. Yeah in my dreams. However, I think that would clearly count as a doping violation in 2028 Olympics
  8. Ty kind of you to say. Definitely check out deep sky astro video on sirilic.
  9. I think you might want to check out deep sky astro video on sirilic. Whilst I can quite get it to fully work, it's likely noob error. It's (lol) easy to use and a nice way of storing file lists in multi sessions. It even shows a colour flow chart of how you set the processes of course, once I get it to actually fully work. Will do as you and elp says above as soon as a get a chance. Otherwise I can only do multi session in dss and those two gradients are annoying. Might be there in siril though too, I guess. TY for the help. I'm slowly getting places. Above image is the my first I'm ok enough with to use as my desktop:)
  10. Now that "telescope setting up ready to go image" has been added to the 2028 Olympic Games as a test event, I was wondering how everyone compares. My current record from everything in large tupaware type crates to fully plugged and about to press play in Nina is 43minutes. Maybe 5 mins of that total is plonking tripod pointing north ish (I have felt pen marks on ground) plugging it all in and connecting to Nina. Is there anything obvious I can do to improve rest of it? It all "works" as is so I'm reluctant to mess with plate solving exposure times etc too much. I also calibrate each time, though I think I can stop doing that ify next calibration is "good" rather than ok/average from phd2. That will shave 5 mins off my personal best
  11. I think dynamic links are the windows equivalent. I will try as you suggest first chance I get. Also I agree I need to learn manual stacking in siril but I'm finding it slow going. I was going to try manual stacking each session then try and manually stack the three results as part of my learning process Appreciate all the help, ty
  12. Can you connect 600d power usb and two usb dew heaters to it? As well as guide cam and mount?
  13. I use bootcamp on a MacBook Pro with two usb ports. One goes to the Macbook charger, the other to a 4 port usb hub velcro to my scope. 600d, guide cam and mount usb go to this hub leaving one spare. Power to 600d and two dew heaters go straight into my gang adapter. Would a usb port suffice for now? I also need an astro mini pc, but something like mele quieter only has 3 usb ports, and I'd like connect 600d power and both dew heaters to also connect to it
  14. Im still struggling reading through siril manual stacking guides, so i had a quick blast following your bullet points and it worked ok. I am using the GUI version of siril, its just that for multiple sessions, sirilic seems to be the way. can save sirilic file list like in dss so it should save time in future.
  15. Bollox, sorry. Multiple threads/post, sorry Manually stacking one night looks ok to do via siril, but im also trying to combine two sessions (and if that works, adding a third) via sirilic. It *almost* seems to work in sirilic but i have an error, and trying to work out what the problem is is tricky
  16. So im ploughing through this and wondered how it applies to multiple night data ? Do i process each night individually then stack them, or? I just tried loading all my lights are doing as you say above but not sure its right way to do this? Im still very unsure about doing this manually
  17. Clear outside tells me RED for the entire week, while I sit here and stare at 80% blue sky. All four of my weather sources same similar. I'd hate to be a meteorologist in the UK. Might as well just look out the window
  18. I have my solar glasses ready for the glare, any day now
  19. I took flats for each session and they seem to be working ok.... Its possible some lint dropped from the cloth i stretched over the dew shield. Gonna try just using my tablet with no white cloth and hope its diffuse enough. I also had some difference in rotation and didn't do a 'get rotation from camera' before framing. I think my result, above, is ok, especially for a first attempt at combining three sessions, but the "scores" in dss vary alot: (roughly) sess1 = 900-1400, sess2 = 600-900 and sess3 = 800-1900. Im reluctant to continue with it if my initial capture data is too ropey.
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