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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. 52n here I think. I've always said the south is better I think at my skill level twighlight will be fine for more practice.
  2. I read it ends mid may, so what season follows? Huge bright broadband nebula season?
  3. Could get stellarium set it back to that time and your location. Don't think it shows aircraft routes or birds yet though.
  4. So asinh helps, but I seem to need to stretch the star mask slot when recombining. That seems white out the star colour. I think.
  5. Phew, I can blame my gradients on borealis
  6. Great images, uncooled 585 is top of my list to upgrade my dslr
  7. Plastic storage container turn on its side?
  8. There will probably be YouTube videos testing structural differences between perfect and irregular carbon fibre. Personally, as a total noob myself, I think my skills would be the biggest limit I'd have to overcome before I'd need worry about non perfect carbon fibre weave in my scope tube
  9. I sort of meant I could rotate camera tiny amount, take a pic, rotate it back that same fixed amount, take a pic and repeat. Only as a joke though
  10. I do a PCC before I separate. Asinh I messed a while back but not specifically on the star mask. Will have another play with it ty
  11. Take a few minutes, relax and take in the magnificence of my setup and usb leads. Jwst will come to fear my usb wiring powers Note the use of NASA grade space velcro on the mount power supply lead mcguffin AND at the base of my pier Also to secure my high quality usb hub on the scope. Good things always come in threes.
  12. So I've decided I've invented (manual) rotational dithering. I'm sure Hubble and jwst will implement it soon. I'll reach out to zwo see if they'd like to send me an astro camera to test against
  13. This is also what I've gleaned from various YouTubers/interwebs. How accurate or scientific it is seems hard to know.
  14. This is a really interesting way to do it Ty
  15. Absolutely didn't know that so Ty again. I'll find out for definite what the limits are in synscan app and in Nina next chance I get. I've already tweaked the meridian flip options to fix my first attempt failure.
  16. Any know a good tutorial for processing my star masks before recombing in siril? I have a basic grasp of processing the starless and can practice, but after recombining the two my stars look a bit goggle eyed. Also not so much colour left. I think problem is in how I stretch the stars? Looks like I missed a video by Deep space Astro
  17. Wasn't going to worry about Dec only get an issue once ra goes past 90 either direction. At 90 ra I can spin Dec around no collision. Famous last words.
  18. Indoors i did a quick test. Seems more stable without pier, but since i put it back together how it was, its possible the little flex is reduced or gone. maybe i hadn't quite got it all connected quite solidly enough. without the pier full ra left or right was ok, but a little past that and if the scope is pointing verticle and dslr clips tripod leg - which is not good. i think i remember seeing an option in the synscan controller to set a limit? i think it was on 85 but i had to change it in order to do a test on m51. Could i lose the pier and set RA limits left/right (east/west? not sure on that sorry) to 90 degrees in nina?
  19. cheers for your reply, saves me trouble of trying random ones. ill worry about improving other areas instead
  20. Will that work with my data taken via my non astro modded dslr? in my over stretched image, i was surprised how much red i got in the middle. im assuming the red at the edge of the frame (even after a crop) is noise related. Definitely going to give this target some hours, once it comes back into view.
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