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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. Ty both, just wanted a sanity check as it looks innocuous to me. But then I spent two weeks trying to remove a dew shield that couldn't be unscrewed ...
  2. titles a bit crap, apologies. i break my gear down every night after use. yes, its annoying. is there any reason why i shouldn't leave the cw shaft and both cw attached to the mount head when storing it for the next nights clear skies? i lie it flat on its side and can loosen the clutch if that would be better? im trying using both counter weights nearer the axis see if it helps guiding/balance. in a test, it did seem to help balance a bit. but its a pain to re do the cw each time
  3. Never used it, but first I'd do would be to swap the usb cable if you haven't already tried that. Also, there might be some issues if you open ascom or other stuff as admin.
  4. This looks great to me.
  5. Oops. One hour imaging in bortle 6 is worth 8 hours in bortle 8.
  6. I'm a newbie in bortle 6 and can take images fine with a dslr no filters. If I improve my skills I have option of osc/mono camera and filters. A youtuber called Cuiv the lazy geek images in Tokyo at bortle 9, so we'll be fine 1 hour in bottle 8 = 8 hours in bottle 6, roughly I think.
  7. In my bortle 6 back garden, there were no aurora. My 2 minute subs were full of magenta gradients. Maybe I can use graxpert extract each subs background, save it, make a time lapse. Hmmmm
  8. I noticed a lot of magenta gradient in my subs, but my results were ok for my gear and skill level.
  9. I have a feeling my gear and my skills are Sunday league compared to your champions league. If I can find it and see it, I'll still have a go, but not too likely. I still find it amazing you could get your result in like 2 hours? If you add more time, I'd love to see the results. I don't think i can express in words just how ridiculous it is to image this. Found this f4 12" newt 20 hours of total integration time? https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/709360-the-cosmic-horseshoe/
  10. I never heard of this, but after a quick Google I need to try myself. Even if it's tiny in my fov, just the idea of imaging an amazing example of gravitational lensing from my back garden is ridiculous ok after a bit more research, maybe not with my gear. If I can find it in Nina, I'll still have to have a try.
  11. I agree with this - with exception of m101 which is relatively big for me
  12. Im sort of trying this strategy at the moment. my gear is unlikely to change in the near to medium term. m101 m51, bodes and cigar are my main fallbacks as they seem always visible and high up. I did 3.5 hours on trio in leo but they weren't too high up and i don't like my results before or after processing. Im sure more time will help, maybe higher altitude or maybe their just more difficult that i thought M31 is my main aim maybe late july. Should really fill my fov.
  13. Would love to try the same shot as you got a great image there, but i don't think they will be high enough for me. If they are will definitely try it.
  14. Might be a new comet visible before then might be ok to image it in non astro darkness?
  15. I think 40 is probably a safe bet for me, plenty lp and sky glow all around even at 40d plenty targets will be available to keep me occupied until Andromeda is back. It's like 2 months and if I get 5 clear nights until then I'll be happy
  16. Ty everyone for the tips/suggestions, even the chocolate. I've had another play in stellarium and there is potential stuff for me. Eagle nebula may never rise high enough, can't quite tell. I read it's best to only shoot stuff that is 45d up or higher anyway?
  17. The only one that matters is headed right for us. And I can't see it again until maybe late July
  18. Very nice images. I'm quite shocked you took those with vaguely similar gear to mine. I don't use a filter. I think because I removed my flatteners nose piece, my only option is a clip in filter I didn't really bother looking if those nebula you just mentioned will get higher in a few months. Will definitely have another look in stellarium. Think I need some kind of astro calender where I can add ideal targets by month/week.
  19. wow thanks for all that. i've looked in stellarium and tried some of the summer months, but most of the nebula you mention will be too low for me entirely i think, but i will carry on in hope I'd ruled out whale galaxy as too small, but might have another look in stellarium and my gear's fov. m101 and m51 i've taken some time on but not enough. i guess i can fall back on those to add more exposure time. i've gotten about 2 hours on trio in leo and will add more. unlike m101 and m51 it seems a bit trickier to post process. I had assumed narrowband targets to be a waste of time with my stock dslr, but i had an ok result after 40mins on rosette nebula some timeback. the NA nebula is top of my list but it also seems too low. will keep checking it though. also, i tried iris nebula test a while back but could also give that ago. Don't like clusters I'd really like to get rho ophiuchus but again that seems too low. definitely enough to keep me occupied until m31 gets a bit higher 3.5 hours on bodes & cigar over 2 sessions and im reasonably happy with what i got. at least considering my gear.
  20. Yeah gimp and layers are on my list to learn stuff, but not gotten around to it yet.
  21. Don't think all that can be done in siril. Probably gimp though. Or combination of both. Bit advanced for me right now I think though.
  22. Cheers for the reply. I do starnet before stretching and now also add some colour to the star mask before and after stretching. It does seem to help. Will give the highlight protection slider a go see what happens:)
  23. I think iris nebula has some promise, even with a stock dslr. I did a short test previously. Thanks for the suggestions need more focal length for galaxies, 400mm not fun. Imx585 camera would help though.
  24. Yeah I think this is too low right now I'll check stellarium. It did look good in Nina framing.
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