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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. just in case anyone uses gimp and wants what seems to be a decent purple fringe remover, i've linked a quick test before/after below. seems pretty decent. might be best used on a starmask, as it seems to effect the nebula in image below, blue to greeny change. https://gmic.eu/download.html before after feel a bit guilty getting so much good advice on here without being able to repay it.
  2. Problem is my filter holder is in the nose piece of my flattener than I don't use and I don't want to buy a clip in. You're right though I should save and buy more appropriate camera rather than risk disappointment with a compromise. I appreciate all the help and opinions.
  3. found it. that's a good deal ty for this. doh its i thought it was the pro (cooled) version. £30 off for second hand is not worth lack of warranty and possible support
  4. i think i've seen some aliexpress saying no extra fees (can't remember the term) but i wouldn't trust it. if its sitting in customs waiting an extra charge, who is going to not pay it?
  5. think its gone didn't come up in the site search. bit reluctant to buy used though, especially with the seeming 10% lower than new prices
  6. what's abs? so good i quoted you twice
  7. i think they pay by the kilogram though, so that rules out my niece and nephews
  8. that is my thinking atm. just need to sell one of my livers in the next 3.5 days
  9. hello again just looking for some advice. https://www.svbony.com/sv705c-color-planetary-camera-imx585/#F9198J-W9184A seems like a bit of a bargain for the next 3.5 days. camera, filter drawer and a cheap uv/ir cut filter for like £252. maybe + postage and brexit import tax. its not cooled and probably doesn't have a heatsink like the player one version. but its cheap. im sure it won't be as good as a tek cooled one from somewhere. but its cheap. this would be a decent upgrade from my dslr and i could get a 1.25" dual narrow band in future when funds allow? i could maybe manage the heat by doing (for example) 30 second exposures and a 5 or 10 second wait for the next one? (the joy of nina sequences). im assuming this includes everything i'd need to slap it on the back of my flattener (i've emailed svbony to ask same question but i doubt ill get a good response before the 3.5 days offer expires) https://www.firstlightoptics.com/stellamira-telescopes/stellamira-2-inch-field-flattener-with-m42-adapter.html?_gl=1*vehb4c*_up*MQ..*_ga*ODgxMDY2OTM2LjE3MTc3NjU3ODA.*_ga_F6VGWQ0MW9*MTcxNzc2NTc3OS4xLjEuMTcxNzc2NTc4OC4wLjAuMA.. also, i'd never need to use a dual band filter AND the ir/uv cut filter at the same time, right? cheers in advance.
  10. I read somewhere a while back that some type of radar is being developed that used some technique sounds similar to this.
  11. You won't know what colour it is until you observe it.
  12. 2 years should be plenty of time to plan and perfectly execute the required bank heist
  13. i hope they checked their usb cables. its always usb cables.
  14. id settle for basic accuracy, some semblance of impartiality and investment in spell checking. what concerns me is future governments will do the same, now, because "they did so why can't we"
  15. i hope you're doing ok after your treatment. im old too but have been lucky so far. i was very tempted to by the zwo/asiair route but lack of funds made me have to use an old macbook running windows i still wanted to keep my options open so i got a zwo guide camera just in case. im still using a stock dslr, and that is my next upgrade, one day i have the swsa gti too and while im sure its not the greatest mount in the world, it seems more than capable at least for us noobs. i really dislike the altitude adjustment bolt, it always seems to have a dead spot where it turns freely just as im getting polar alignment bang on. works well with nina though so far.
  16. same sensor but not cooled or tec cooled. im sure the ZWO ASi585MC is far better, lower noise due to cooling and probably better software/drivers too. but that costs money also the zwo lock in which is bad, but, asiair looks extremely user friendly. i have a zwo guide cam and if i didn't like Nina so much i would jump at an asiair and zwo imaging camera. im new to this hobby so bare that in mind when reading my comments
  17. looks really good to me, especially for a mess around. sadly m31 still not high enough yet for me. was looking on svbony's site and noticed 3 days remaining 30 per cent off on https://www.svbony.com/sv705c-color-planetary-camera-imx585/#F9198J its not cooled but it seems a really good deal. cuiv the lazy geek did a comparison on noise between same sensor tec cooled and uncooled and he saw a massive difference. via youtube i couldn't see any difference.... if i could quickly sell one of my livers it looks a bargain for £220. probably plus delivery and brexit tax and other things.
  18. bbc has dropped in quality massively over the last 14 years or so. its now basically little more than a government propaganda outlet. bbc now seems to stand for Bread Before Circuses just needs regular songs to the dear leader and the North Korean state broadcaster would be jealous
  19. Lol you're absolutely correct. I downloaded a couple of the RGB only datasets and didnt get much further. I've seen some YouTubers link more suitable (for me, hopefully) and will give them a go. Also some people on astrobin? I still need to find a Goldilocks tutorial on gimp on masks and layers and stuff.
  20. i was tempted to ask if anyone knew a good source for data to play with. this is really handy ty
  21. its more the risk i'll knock it when setting up/down, which im very likely to do.
  22. Great result. I think your trial worked 😀
  23. I have vaguely similar gear and thinking upgrading my dslr to a imx585 based camera and would love to see your results.
  24. Yup. I really don't think they're a good idea, but, for some people they are invaluable.
  25. i joke, but with chatgp it might not be that far away.
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