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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. Honestly, take some next chance you get and use them on previous data. They might not be perfect, but you might be quite shocked by the result. I've messed up taking flats at the end of a session twice, only to then use ones from a week or two before and got a much improved image.
  2. This looks shockingly close to what I'd like to do. Also your daughter is doing a fantastic job THe zwo f4 120mm scope I have is screwed onto what looks like an inch long dovetail and that currently slides into my finder scope clamp. I think I could glue or NASA velcro that to a nuc instead of any new fangled 3d printed bracket
  3. Yeah I have some leeway but need to measure it and check. A handle seems great, but a flat dovetail will make it easier to mount other stuff in future
  4. Flats seem to make a huge difference. You really should try them. Before I starting doing mine with Nina (you should definitely look into Nina if you an old laptop spare) I just put a lint free (I wish) white t-shirt over dew shield/lens, turned my 600d control from manual to AV and butted up a white screen on my tablet/iPad at about 50% brightness.
  5. Done it Flo with my original scope when I discovered the dew shield wouldn't come off and a rotator that simply wouldn't work with my set up. Flo were great, but I wouldn't want to make it a habit.
  6. Yeah I appreciate being able to return stuff but I don't want to set out with it being a likely result. Just looking at the amount of stuff Flo lists on here at a discount due to them being customer returns would do my head in if it was my business.
  7. as a noob i could be wrong, but i think you can get a even more out of your data. i'd highly recommend deep sky astro's youtube channel, has some great siril tutorials and explains generalised hyperpolic stretch and other stuff like that. if you don't already, you can integrate something called starnet++ into siril and it allows you to separate the stars from the galaxy so you can tweak each one to taste and then recombine them back into a single image.
  8. I think for me a handle type dovetail that I can slide the finder scope type base of my guide scope into seems best solution for me. Those handles have round holes not slots like a regular dove tail so I need to take care with measuring the distance between screw holes on my OTA rings. Still might have a problem as the dovetail the OTA rings are currently attached to is not the longest, but does let me balance it on the mount.
  9. This was my original plan with camera lenses. Hadn't got as far as thinking about the wiring though
  10. something like this is what im aiming for but starting by velcro'ing my usb hub to the handle or maybe back of the top dovetail. is that an intel nuc i see screwed on? because one of those or maybe a mele quieter is on my list.
  11. now i really want mine under slung "like a grenade launcher". i think my only/main issue with balance is with the scope off to the side, its tricky to balance and putting it up top, maybe down below keeps the mass mostly in a vertical plane even if its a little further from the ra axis. which i hope will help. i could add a counter weight opposite the guide scope but this seems harder/more expensive. i was hoping putting it up top would be and quick and cheap win, but im starting to think there is no such thing in this hobby. i appreciate the photos a lot btw as i don't have much context for mine. your setup looks really good, but im intending to put a tiny pc on top too, with my usb as a placeholder in the meantime.
  12. Nah pliers won't help but Ty for the suggestion. The altitude bolt does the job, I can get under 10 arc seconds polar alignment in under 10 minutes, it's just a bit loose feeling, like massive backlash at a certain point. But my polar alignment doesn't seem to suffer for it.
  13. Yeah I had to get an adapter from flo because the focuser has non standard threads. Otherwise I had to use the nose piece and two iffy screws to hold it in. Now I can screw it in. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/astro-essentials-m48-adapter-for-sky-watcher-newtonians-and-72ed-refractor-m54-with-10mm-backfocus.html I think they made a batch or two which is pretty cool.
  14. i'd say neutrinos are even more enigmaticer than photons.
  15. Will do but I had to remove the nose piece to screw the flattener into focus tube (Flo adapter). On looking in the nose piece I can't see anything that looks like a filter thread. Or in the rest of the flattener Picd incoming asap is that it at the back of the flatener ? if so f&^k trying to screw in a filter to that without my finger tips touching the filter glass. also, now i've screwed it all back into my scope, my camera is not quite at the same 'rotation' which will be a bit crap for my 'ongoing projects' (lol) but, on the flip side, it means it might improve that left side tilt/slightly too close back focus i have also... i really want a camera rotater but that doesn't seem possible with a dslr, but there should be room for a filter drawer and a rotator with an astro cam i think/hope.
  16. just in case anyone uses gimp and wants what seems to be a decent purple fringe remover, i've linked a quick test before/after below. seems pretty decent. might be best used on a starmask, as it seems to effect the nebula in image below, blue to greeny change. https://gmic.eu/download.html before after feel a bit guilty getting so much good advice on here without being able to repay it.
  17. Problem is my filter holder is in the nose piece of my flattener than I don't use and I don't want to buy a clip in. You're right though I should save and buy more appropriate camera rather than risk disappointment with a compromise. I appreciate all the help and opinions.
  18. found it. that's a good deal ty for this. doh its i thought it was the pro (cooled) version. £30 off for second hand is not worth lack of warranty and possible support
  19. i think i've seen some aliexpress saying no extra fees (can't remember the term) but i wouldn't trust it. if its sitting in customs waiting an extra charge, who is going to not pay it?
  20. think its gone didn't come up in the site search. bit reluctant to buy used though, especially with the seeming 10% lower than new prices
  21. what's abs? so good i quoted you twice
  22. i think they pay by the kilogram though, so that rules out my niece and nephews
  23. that is my thinking atm. just need to sell one of my livers in the next 3.5 days
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