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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. cheers both, its just i see quite of lot of m13 images taken and i struggle to see the appeal unless it was some sort of standardised test type thing.
  2. honestly (and this is just my opinion as i don't even have the skills to know "data from professional or scientific instruments" when im looking at it) you probably have more than enough procesing skills if you came to that opinion. if that makes any sense? the triffid/lagoon data from astrobin user im practicing with is clearly so far in advance of the data i generate myself, but the end result is remarkably similar to when i process my own data, i think it means im not being limited by my own data (relatively bad as it is) but all my other skills. maybe my opensource/free tools, too, but i'm loathed to criticise those free tools because they're incredible and invaluable to noobs like myself. there is literally no chance of me paying £500 for pixinsight and some addons instead of using it to get a better camera, nano pc or other stuff. doesn't mean i won't go down the pi route in the future. im also certain that is probably naive but im newish so that gives me a slight excuse
  3. not keen on adding stuff, even though i did just that (badly) to hide a dust mote. was just after some decent nebula data to practice my workflow on and compare results. after a quick play with someone's triffid/lagoon nebula, i think i have my own 'style' of result. which i got three times each on redoing my own ngc7000 and nelly the elephant trunk nebula. while i'd like to think that makes me a maverick free spirit with no bounds artist, i think it more likely a limit on my skills and free tools. probably 99% the former ;( still, what else could i be doing apart from destroying a broken old tripod for its m6 looking bolts and then maybe breaking my scope with them
  4. just want to do it for some practice. its either that or redo the few of my own i have that i've already stretched on a rack, flogged, drawn and quartered too many times
  5. i might give that a go, but i think its a little advance for me atm
  6. i got some good stuff via astro bin having a go right now.
  7. that's very kind of you. i don't plan on publishing anything just practice, but id ask you about it first if i did it really is just more for something to pass the time, practice and work flow organising. not sure how you'd make it available could be quite big? my internet is decent though about 250Mb/s
  8. Is m13 regarded as something of a gear test target in the community? I read something about the more stars can be resolved the better the set up?
  9. "Non premium" telescope If I bought a big Mac and found half a cockroach in it after eating some, I'd be a tad upset if the complaint response was "well sir didn't buy a premium burger". Even lower priced gear deserves to have a QC checklist of more than "is there a tube?" ✅ Maybe sw thought process is the gear is so cheap to make, just another one out and take the hit. Also I don't think sw are alone in this regard. So much gear seems fairly identical but with different coloured anodising bling they must be made in same factories. And I like coloured anodised stuff a lot
  10. Due to all the fabulous clear nights I've been having and not wanting to flog the dead horses of my own data, I was hoping to find some decent osc data to practice with but I'm struggling. I'm going through cn and astrobin "manually" because most of my searches turn up lrgb ha type sets or pure narrow band, which is beyond my abilities for now. Anyone got a link to some nebulary osc data somewhere. I've looked at the Liverpool telescope archive and it's amazing but not suitable for me yet.
  11. the three posts by the each wheel 'snap down' and lock? so if you did a polar alignment you could drop them in the same place/position each time? on a patio? dare i ask how much this cost? oops asked wrong person, sorry
  12. same here. was looking great until 1030 now it looks bad
  13. aw ty for this im sure i'd be fine adding that weight, just fastening it with velcro might be a bit riskier. for the rest of my cunning plan, i think my green dovetail bar is perfect length. just need one m4 screw which is on its way to me from exotic watford. the base of my guidescope almost fits into the top of that dovetail but there are two screw holes underneath so i might be able to work with that. if not ill attempt removing the finder scope from the side and try and screw that onto the green dovetail. job done. im sure this will work perfectly 1st time no problemo
  14. Hoping to find one on eBay for £30 My old Mac book I currently use is 2 core 4 thread so a 4 core 4 thread should be plenty for me.
  15. When flat wizard is done I highly recommend removing your tablet from on top of dew shield before parking the scope from zenith ;( Fortunately I have cat like reactions....
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