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Posts posted by CumbrianRed

  1. Hey, I'm looking for some help on second hand scopes. I've got a terrestrial for bird watching but we've moved to a dark sky zone and I'd love to be able to look at the moon and anything else we can see. Astronomy was always my favourite part of physics and I'd love to get the kids into star gazing too.

    I've been looking for good second hand scopes. I seem to keep coming across very small apertures or Astromaster 114s, 127s and 130s, and Skywatcher 150ps and 200ps.

    The Astromasters seem to get poor reviews, but are smaller and easy to pack away. The dobsonian seems pretty impractical, but I imagine can see a lot more?

    For about the same price would you get an Astromaster 130eq with extra eye pieces or the Skywatcher 200p without any eye pieces or lenses? Keeping in mind I don't really understand what I need to get me started.

    Also, is there anything I need to be wary of second-hand are the 130eq or 200p likely to have problems I could/should check for?

    Thanks very much for your help!


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