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Everything posted by siatnite

  1. Nice work Martyn some very good detail in the belts coming through especially in the giff, your data was certainly a lot better than mine from the16th welldone indeed!
  2. Cheers Kostas, i wish i could get the same conditions on Jupiter but clouds been a real problem here! Thanks Stuart best i can do at present elevation i think. Thanks i agree the rgb presents a more natural look! Yes Martyn think the colimation was slightly out last time out but now got it bang on, still think the C11brings more to the table with that extra light grasp especially on a dim Saturn! Heres a stacked Red ch 1500 stack from 6000 at 35fps from the 16th if the G & the B were better they would be banging lol!
  3. A great first Jupiter & a very clean crisp Saturn too showing some lovely banding around the globe!
  4. Well done Kostas a nice sharp cassini on those think they would benifit from an upscale nicely too!
  5. A Lovely Shot of Jupiter with some outstanding detail, as said above colour balance looks perfect to me too, very nice indeed!
  6. Images taken this morning in steady seeing, best ive seen Saturn for a while a strong cassini showing in the rings, but the proverbial cloud which have been a real problem at my location recently soon put a halt to session. First image is in rrgb, second image rgb, C9 skyris 236 mono 1.5x Barlow. (si&nite)
  7. As above stunning shot well done indeed!
  8. Nice work Kostas very nice detail coming through, lots of cloud here in the east mids its been very difficult to even get a run in!
  9. A good image to start the season well done!
  10. Some great detail in there especially around the grs well done!
  11. No magic i do not consider my images better than anyone elses its experience of processing the data good or bad, getting the best out of what you have captured, imo less is more in processing tease the detail out without making it to harsh is my recipe, Neil Phillips inspired me a long time ago back in the day who has & still produces some beautiful planetary & lunar images was always willing to give advice!
  12. Will pm you! Thanks Chris appreciated!
  13. Nice clean Jupiter with good detail around the grs well done.
  14. Intresting comparison never tried ch4 filters something maybe in my to do book!
  15. A nice improvement Stuart, the detail around the grs pops out more & certainly a smoother image!👍
  16. Thanks Kon, i was fairly lucky with the seeing early on, i wanted to wait for the grs but im tired out staying up to be honest, but conditions did start to deteriorate just after these captures! Cheers Stuart appreciated, i think if seeing allows we should be getting some extremely good data over the coming weeks!
  17. Earlier was better on Jupiter the seeing being steadier with moments of good transparency, Saturn very stable better than the previous night but thin cloud still an issue. Images taken with C9 - skyris 326 mono 1.5x amplification. Thanks for looking (si@nite).
  18. Nicely done Stuart, jupiter seemed to be more unsteady as it gained elevation.
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