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  1. Hi all, I got a weird issue. I recently got a new scope (switched from Orion ST80 to Evostar ED72 with field flattener). When I take an preview image in Nina, it's always black and some of my plate solving images turn out black as well. Is there anything I need to check or a setting that I can change? My exposures come out perfectly, it's just the previews and plate solving that seem to be an issue. Thanks,
  2. Hi, I had to clean my lens as there were some specs on it and after I put it back together I fail to get proper focus. I disassembled the lens assembly as somehow something got in between the two elements. Stupidly I forgot to mark how they were put together so after some googling I figured out that the thicker element goes in first and then the thinner one, but still no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks, Pim
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