Sorry for the late reply, mad busy yesterday.
Brilliant, thank you for all that info, it really helps.
I actually quite like the idea of Barlow free but obviously not experienced enough to make a good informed decision.
I've just had a look at the starguider eyepieces. And not sure I want to take the plunge on £165 worth of eyepieces for a £200 scope....... just yet anyway. But, if you're saying the cheaper 1's are a bit of a waste of money then I may just invest in 1 for now. Failing that, if you could recommend anything around £60-£80 Mark for a 2-3 eyepiece set that could work well, that would be great. But I also don't want to waste money on something if its not going to be that great, so if that's the case I may have to slowly build up my eyepiece collection.
Happy to hear your thoughts.