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Everything posted by fullmoon

  1. No idea how many degrees I am off true north. Will probably Google when these clouds clear that seem to have not moved for the last 4 days!
  2. 100% agree, it's a mistake I made and wish I'd sought advice here before my purchase.
  3. I did consider that scope before I purchased the Explorer, but it just wouldn't suit my surroundings ATM. I think I need to get out to an astro club and have a look at stuff 1st hand. Maybe it can help manage my expectations as well as give some valuable experience.
  4. That looks like a good solid product with great reviews. I'll have to do some research on that type of mount as I'm still learning and only really been studying the equatorial style as that's what I have. Just to see the main differences really, pros, cons etc. Thank you
  5. Would this be in my budget? But also, I do quire like the idea of finding and tracking things manually. Almost like I'd be learning the geography of the skies as I go.
  6. Yeah, if I'm honest, I'm slightly annoyed I've been sold it from the shop. As if I'd have known about this issue, I would have either opted for something else or bought the scope 2nd hand and then upgraded the mount. Now I have a brand new eq2 mount and tripod going to collect dust............ or until I get my 2nd scope 🤫🤫😂
  7. Hi, cheers for the reply, I'm pretty sure it's the mount. I've stood next to the scope, with both axis locked, just lightly prodded the scope with my index finger and you can see the mount has play in it. Not sure if they're all like that, but I've got nothing to compare it to.
  8. Hi all, I have owned the skywatcher explorer eq2 130/f900 for around 2 weeks now. I absolutely love the scope but if I'm honest the mount is really putting a bit of a dampner on the whole setup and experience. I've had some good advice from a few kind members, but it's still got alot of play in the mount. It's like the scope is too much for the eq2. Even when I'm delicately trying to use the focuser, the target is darting around my eyepiece like a pinball, preventing me from getting good focus. I've double checked everything and the weak point seems to be the mount. Unless I have a faulty mount. So what I'm thinking is maybe upgrading the mount by buying a used one. I've had a bit of a look and would like to spend between £100-£200. Now I know that's not alot, but I think I could get something reasonable for that. Also the cheaper the better if I can save a few quid. Open to recommendations and prepared to wait for the right one. Just having a brief look I've seen the Skywatcher eq3-2 deluxe and the Bresser Messier EXOS 1/EQ-4. Also seen this on ebay, screenshot attached. Look forward to hearing your thoughts. Cheers Rich
  9. Thanks, I will double check all of these. I purchased a compass the other day as I wasn't sure the app compass was that accurate. I've got a little boat level on my tripod accessory tray as well, so will double check that too. I mustn't be doing something right, so will go over everything twice. Thanks for clarifying Dweller.
  10. Just a quick 1 really. After I have aligned my scope. When I find a target and lock both RA and DEC axis. Am I right in thinking that I should only be adjusting the 1 axis (RA) to keep the target in view? As I am finding I have to adjust both, sort of simultaneously. Or does that mean I've not aligned it correctly? Just wasn't sure if I'd heard that only 1 axis needed adjusting to keep your target in view. Thanks Rich
  11. Yeah, I've kicked the tripod a few times, punched the bottom of the scope looking for the RA fine adjustment, the list goes on, haha. And then I wonder why its wobbly lol. Atleast twice now I've set my scope up with eyepieces, got my red dot finder on target and looked through and all I can see is black. So adjust it slightly thinking my finders off (as I did do it at night onto a lamp post) still nowt, scratch my head for a sec, then my Wife said "have you taken the cover of the scope?" "Errrrrr, oh yeah, forgot that bit! 🤦‍♂️
  12. Try searching for a "patch cable". Cat 5e or 6. Generally used in switch cabinets and are alot more flexible and shorter in length. Hope this helps Rich
  13. Hi all, I've just bought a new eyepiece and after I purchased it, this item was at the bottom of my screen. Are they any good and what is the brand like? More for my own curiosity really. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/283491837763?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=MsnxS3WGSCy&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=SbIG3dgzTjy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I'm a complete beginner, so never come across these. Cheers Rich
  14. Thanks, next time I get it outside, I will give it a proper double check. I think the main wobble was from the scope itself though. Almost like the scopes too big for the EQ bit. Brill, thanks for the recommendations, going to have a look now. This is how I found it most comfortable to view also. Awesome! Think I'm going to start with the 8mm or 12mm and possibly a zoom as mentioned by M40.
  15. Edit. Just seen the price of the baader! By heck lol. Deffo Hindered! Haha, just kidding. I didn't even realise you could get a zoom attachment. That sounds like a game changer! Will be looking into that, thanks!👍
  16. Best not look at a 2nd scope 7 days after buying this 1 haha. Maybe later down the line, but the dobsonian right now for me, I don't think would be suitable. We're quite low down and surrounded by houses unfortunately.
  17. I'm hoping for a clear weekend as I'm off work now until Monday! Great idea about the signature, I'll have a look on my profile to see how I do it. Cheers 👍
  18. Hi all, just thought I'd post this, as why not. Now, I've literally had my scope for 7 days lol. Absolute beginner, jumped in probably sooner than I should. But on my first viewing session outside from Wednesday night (25/1) I was looking at the moon. And quickly just put my galaxy s10, by hand, to the eyepiece. Here's what I got, like I said, nowt special but just wanted to share my first ever pics of the moon. Hopefully 1 day would love to look at imaging more, but for the moment just learning to walk before i can run. Cheers
  19. Hi all, after some sound advice from a member here I think I'm going to purchase 1 or 2 BST starguider eyepieces. I have a skywatcher explorer 130/900 EQ2. Firstly, hoping someone has some first hand experience as to what eyepieces worked well for them with the above scope if possible. But all advice welcome. I would prefer to use the scope without the Barlow if possible. I had a short viewing session Wednesday night and I found I got better results looking at the moon with just the 10x eyepiece provided. I've not really seen anything else, other than a blurry Jupiter as I'm still very much learning on the job. What sort of targets should I be seeing comfortably with my scope? Are there any targets I can get a good view of, with the manufacturer supplied eyepieces? A few other Q's. The eyepieces I currently have, I've noticed the little rubber outer piece where you put your eye, moves into 2 positions. Is it meant to be flush with the eyepiece (folded back)? Or does it rise off the eyepiece? Might be a daft question, but when I pulled the cap off it, I noticed the rubber sprang forward like a guide to the eyepiece, and I thought oh, is that how I'm meant to look through it.......? 🤦‍♂️ Is it normal for this mount/telescope to be so rocky? I'm struggling to focus in on things as the target is bouncing around the eyepiece like a 90's raver everytime I touch the focus wheel. Everything's nice and tight, again after some advice from another member. Thanks Rich
  20. Just a quick 1. Where are the classifieds? I can't find them? Thanks
  21. No worries, my fault for not being specific with what I have. I have a few more questions anyway for a separate post so might incorporate eye piece recommendations into that haha. So, has yours got a parabolic mirror inside then? I've read a little bit about that. Do you find they give a noticeable better performance? Just for my own curiosity really. Cheers
  22. Brilliant, thanks for the tips! Will look at the classifieds when I get a bit of time. Cheers
  23. Thank you for that lengthy reply, very helpful. I think by what you've mentioned I will get the starguiders, and take my time. Also just to add, I'm not sure if I'm reading this right, but I didn't realise the scope was F5. I thought it was different. Let me find the spec and attach it. Please tell me if I'm looking at the wrong thing. And touching on what you said earlier. What a great night tonight was for viewing. I was out in my back yard for a good 30 mins or so playing with lenses and looking at the moon. And to be honest, I found I got the most success with just the 10x and no Barlow. It was nice to see the whole moon in the eyepiece but also detailed enough to see that huge crater in the middle. Best night so far tonight. Thanks again!
  24. Thank you. I've watched quite a few YouTube videos when I could over the last few days and that was definitely one of the most helpful. And now I know to keep that 1 locked, once on North 👍. Cheers
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