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  1. I was trying to do something similar with my ASI120mm, and found out your post. Thanks for sharing this info, and beautiful pics. I am basically using ASI224MC, and Nikon D5200 DSLR, and getting good results. But I want to try now Hubble palette using Ha, O-ii, and S-ii filters, and am thinking of using ASI120mm for some serious photography work, apart from guiding. I am hoping for good results looking at your narrowband pics. You can see my gallery here on Telescopius: https://telescopius.com/profile/pinakoza
  2. Weirdly the wifi name is ESP_1F4E16. When I connect my PC to it and run ipconfig using cmd, it shows default gateway: subnet mask: ipv4:
  3. Excellent job, many thanks for sharing this great project. Ordered everything more than a month ago, and arrived a week earlier. I put together everything neatly, and connected it to the mount. The wifi started showing up on my laptop, and got connected to it - succeed up to this stage. But when typing in my Chrome/Edge, it won't open up it's webserver! It looks similar problem as described by stash_old. I have also ordered two of the devices, both of them shows their own wifi, but none of them opens up on webserver. Any advice? This is the ESP8285 ESP-M2 chip that I ordered: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32891837399.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.72461802vSLp6i running on 5volts using this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32807048132.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.14311802zUyE3n
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