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  1. Apologies if there have already been threads about this, I tried to search but couldn't find any. I am very new to observing, but one thing I cannot seem to sort is how to get comfy at the eyepiece. If I am viewing for example Jupiter or Saturn then the eyepiece is in or around head level so it's very easy to look through the eyepiece comfortably. But, if I am viewing for example Polaris or Vega then the eyepiece is quite low down..but not low enough to sit on the ground and too low if sitting in a stool. I seem to end up half crouching with bad posture and getting a sore back. Does anyone have some good tips in this regard ? Kind thanks C
  2. I find the app generally a bit janky, had the same issue where it couldn't access camera but reinstalling it did the trick. I have also experienced not being able to deselect an object, but starting and restarting fixed it. I am using a Star Sense Explorer DX 102AX
  3. Aye all going good now. Had a few people over to observe the moon and some other celestial objects. People were very impressed by Jupiter and its moons, Saturn and various star clusters. A really nice night. Thanks for the info on the laser dot. I did not even realise it had an on/off switch to be honest, it was left on so is most likely dead.
  4. Hey there, i am using a Samsung Galaxy A82. Thankfully it appears to be working now.
  5. Dave, Thanks so much for your responses ! The problem was fixed by uninstalling and reinstalling the app , which I really should have thought of sooner, but how and ever. Next I need to try and fix the red dot optic which worked for a whole hour before giving up the ghost 🙂 All the best, C
  6. Thanks for the info both. The cover is off the mirror 🙂 In daytime it gives a pure white screen, but no matter how i adjust the settings (ISO,exposure etc) it doesn't fix it. In the night time it shows a picture, and it is possible to go through the alignment process, but the alignment is way way off.
  7. Hi there, First time poster, new member. I was gifted a Star Sense Explorer DX 102AX. I am now trying to configure the app for navigation. When i go through the quick setup, the camera view does not appear in the app as it does at 2:10 in this video : https://youtu.be/kjZ9xakQSsw?t=130 I am unable to configure the camera because of this. I have spent the last hour searching online for an answer to this but cannot turn up anything. Has anyone experienced this before or can point me in the direction of the info ? I searched here on the forum and also found nothing. Thanks C
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