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  1. Luke, the higher input voltage ensures that the required running voltage doesn't drop too low during high demands like slewing. It does not improve normal tracking or other functions, just allows them to perform as intended. There is a section in the users manual regarding supply voltage problems and recommendations. Pages 13-14. Michael
  2. Hi Malcolm, I use "Discover The Moon" by Jean Lacroux and Cristian Legrand. This book takes you across the moon day by day pointing out and discussing features of interest on/near the terminator for that day. Rgds Michael.
  3. Hi Luke, regardless of how you get the 240 volt mains out to the scope, consider getting a 13.8 volt dc power supply for the EQ-6 instead of 12 volts. I have an AZEQ-6 and it performs better on the slightly higher input voltage. Rgds Michael
  4. Thanks for putting this together Richard. Will print the pdf and keep with my copy of Duplex. Michael.
  5. Luna Cognita by Robert A Garfinkle is about as complete a moon reference as you will find. This is a three volume set published by Springer books as a Print on Demand, and the quality is excellent. I have the three volume hard copy and the ebook version on my iPad. This is not an atlas but a full reference regarding everything Luna. The Hatfield SCT Lunar Atlas Is a good companion to Luna Cognita. Michael
  6. Hi FMA, were you using the AC adaptor to charge the Skywatcher? That has a polarised plug. It would be helpful to know how this happened to save others from the same problem. Are you able to check, or get someone with electronics knowledge to open the unit and see if it is repairable? I doubt that the actual battery is damaged, more likely a couple of components and insulation. Michael
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