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    In astronomy it's visual using small refractor, sketching, history, astrofoto using a smartphone and spreading the word.

    Free & Open Source Software (FOSS) is also close to my heart.
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    Agertorium, Albertslund, Denmark

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  1. It seems the comet will be even brighter than predicted with the latest observations - maybe even becoming a naked eye object when it is closest to the Earth around 10th of November with a distance lesser than 0.2 AU. You can see more about the comet at TheSkyLive, COBS and Seiichi Yoshida's Comet Site. The 13th of October the comet will be less than ½° of the M106 galaxy which could be a fine astrophotography target. If any of you have the capability to measure brightness and size of the comet I think the COBS - Comet OBServation Database will appreach such data very much.
  2. Thanks again Ian. I found Catalogus 795 stellarum duplicium at Google Books where you can read it for free
  3. So you are a true Struve specialist. But what about the lists - have you written those too? I see that The List of Double Doubles lacks The Double Double's Double named and discovered by Peter Palagonin who wrote about it in the Sky & Telescope 1998 July issue with with the two doubles STF 2470 and SFT 2474. The four components of this double double is easier to split in smaller telescopes than The Double Double.
  4. Thanks for your answer. Also STH for Hermann von Struve son of Otto von Struve and STG for Georg Hermann Struve son of Hermann von Struve. BTW your book is no longer listed at FLO. PS - Have you created the lists on your site which are uploaded to Scribd?
  5. Do you know what the name of the catalogue is or maybe even have a link to a PDF file of it?
  6. Hi all I am digging up informations of some of the double stars in Friedrich G. W. Struve's catalogue of double stars "Catalogus novus stellarum duplicium et multiplicium" written in Latin. In the last column is described as: "Postrema columna 6 exhibet numeros catalogi prioris nostri pro stellis in illo obviis." Which Google Translate translates to: "The last column 6 shows the numbers of our previous catalog for the stars encountered in it." What is Struve's previous catalogue? Or is it another catalogue? For others who is interested the first column is the Struve catalogue nummer also known as STF or just the capital Greet letter Σ (sigma) for von Struve, Friedrich Wilhelm George - STFA/ΣΣ is the reference for his additional catalogue. The second column is other designations like μ Bootis for Bayer, 40 Bootis for Flamsteed, 75 Taurus Pon. stars in constellations in Bode's star atlas Uranographia counted from right to left. I hope I am not the only one who is interested in dechiffer the old catalogues.
  7. Hi Mike Great and fantastic sketches. As far as I know most referre to HD 192579, 30 and 31 Cygni (omicron Cygning) as the Patriotic Triple - but I can't recall your sketch above as of these stars. Have you found another three red, white and blus stars in Cygnus to resemble The Patriotic Triiple? If you have - I like yours better that the omicron version.
  8. The two smaller stars you have on your image are the mag. 10.6 star Gaia DR2 576400455260221312 for the one closed to Polaris and the mag 9.8 star SAO 270 a.k.a. Gaia DR2 576393411513868160 furthest away. The image from your telescope is not orientated like you looked at Polaris without aid so this is why the star in the middle is above the line between Polaris and SAO 270 and on the Wikipedia image beneath the line.
  9. Great lists, Rob. But I can't dechiffer the open cluster in line 6 on the Taurus list. Thanks in advance
  10. Thank you very much for this list - and also to the initial creator Don Pensack. Even though I am living and observating in a bortle class 6 area with an entry levet 70 mm refractor so it is only a fraction of the list I can observe from home. But sometime me and the refractor both get out and look up under other skies 🥰
  11. The declination values are not J2000.0 - I haven't checked the RA values.
  12. Which dim stars form an elipse around the bright stars of Orion's head? The elipse could be HD 37171 on top and HD 37320 at the bottom, right side HD 37542, HD 37522 and HD 37478, and left side HD 36914 (V376), the Collinder 69 (Phi¹ Orionis, HD 36895, HD 245203, HD 36894 og Lambda Orionis), HD 36881 og HD 36913. And the bright stars Phi² Orionis and HD 37232. Or is it another elipse and other main stars?
  13. Hi astrohistorians I have just sketched The Lambda Orionis Cluster Cr 69 and read that it is also called Aunt Margaret's Mirror. I think it is linked to the short story "My Aunt Margaret's Mirror" written by Sir Walter Scott - but how? Or is it another aunt Margaret? Thanks in advance.
  14. I have received a message from Bristol Astronomical Society that the one answering the mail doesn't knew Edward Young or heard the story but will ask the older members. I have looked through the history of the Wikipedia article and found that the alternative name Edward Young Star has been on in the article five times where the last three times it was under two hours and from mobile phones - the last two in United Kingdom and the third from Croatia. The first time it was 18 months from primo December 2014 to ultimo May 2016 and the edit was made from an IP number in Bristol. The second time it was almost 2½ year from medio May 2017 to late October 2019 also from an IP number in Bristol. From almost the same date another alternative name Lucida Andromedae was listed from The Catalogue of One Thousand Named Galaxies by astronomer Gerard Bodifee and Michel Berger. All these edits are not from users on Wikipedia but from different IP addresses. But the last two have used the frase "keen astronomer Edward Young" which could imply it is the same editor. The earliest site I have found using the name Edward Young Star is from March 29th 2015 (which is a copy of the Wikipedia article from December 2014). One of the Wikipedia users who undid one of these edits states that the name Edward Young Star must be used in a scientific paper before it will be added as an additional name in the article. But the name has been used in the book "From Cave Art to Hubble - A History of Astronomical Record Keeping" on page 116 by Jonathan Powell from December 2019. Powell is a columnist and writer of astronomical topics in news papers and a contributer to the BBC's Sky at Night magazine. So maybe I should ask him where he has the name Edward Young Star from.
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