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  1. Thank you. I can't wait for these moments to happen so my boys can see how beautiful our solar system is.
  2. I just bought a suggested Barlow 2x but I'll have to get a 7mm. I appreciate the advice. I'm excited about my first year of photography and observation.
  3. Ahh. I was wondering how people with this telescope were getting closer pictures but I wasn't even thinking about how close Saturn was. I'm a newbie. 😆 But I'm enjoying this telescope.
  4. Thank you. I'll look into the 3.2 mm. It is a beginner telescope so I don't expect amazing pictures but I guess I'm hoping to get to maybe this clear of an image someday (not necessarily with this telescope).
  5. I just bought this telescope a few months ago and I've been messing with it and love it so far. I want to get into viewing the planets clearer than I recently have. I used a 4mm Celestron lens to take a picture of Saturn (for never seeing it through a telescope before I still find the picture I have incredible to me) but I want to know if I can get closer with a different lens setup. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you.
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