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Trevor PC

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Posts posted by Trevor PC

  1. Hello Dave

    As always thanks for responding.

    No  I just plan to use the Tal 100r for astronomy, I have the Polarex or Swift's for terrestrial viewing.

    A camera would be something I would think about  if /when I get a powered mount.

    Thanks for the review of the Tal M , maybe a future buy 😉

    With the in focus issue what sort of Barlow would be suitable, a standard or a shorty, or I can see if the Tal  3xbarlow would work, would also like to get a 2x that I could use on both Tal"s.

    As always thank you.




  2. Hello Dave

    As always thanks for responding. 

    That extention looks like a very viable solution. As I am on track to being a TAL collector what was your view of the TAL M as they appear to come up quite often? 

    Changing the subject put the swift binoculars on my UniLoc tripod, resulting in them being rock steady and very clear, knowing me will end up with some 80mm binoculars when funds allow. 

    Passed on some Hilkinson 15x80s in very good condition that went for £46 yesterday on a well known auction website, well you cant have everything, or can you!!! 

    As always thank you 


  3. Hello Dave 

    As always thank you for responding.

    I would be interested if the Tal 100r did come in one of those heavyweight plywood boxes or just a packing crate like the Tal-1, will have to talk to the chap I bought it from.

    As the focuser is rack and pinion my thought is that the R would need a longer rack to then give it greater movement than the 30mm of 40mm it presently has as extending the existing spacer would still only give the same amount of travel, does that sound right?

    As always thank you.




  4. Hello  Wookie

    Thanks for getting  in touch.

    I think that the issue I face with the Tal 100r is different to the Tal 109RS issue you had, as the threads talk about the focuser length needing to be longer , so my question is can you buy an extend piece to increase focus length for the existing focuser or a completely new   one ?

    As always any help or guidance is much appreciated.


  5.  Hello Dave 

    As always thanks for responding, the one I have though bought new does not come in its original box  which was got rid of years ago .

    This will need me to make one , have you still got yours and if yes would it be possible to send me some photos along with dimensions. 

    The Tal 1 was shipped in a packing crate with polystyrene inserts, was the RS in one of these or the lovely 1/2" plywood boxes with all the appropriate cutouts?

    In regards to the focuser the threads talk about not enough outward focus, which was resolved on the RS by giving the focuser 4" of extra travel .

    The threads talk about a focuser range of 30 to 40 mm which I would like to increase to allow for a greater range of eyepieces to be used.

    As always many thanks.



  6. Hello Dave 

    As always a pleasure to here from you, I thought my thread would cause the odd chuckle .

    The scope is still in Scotland as we speak, awaiting delivery to my daughter in-laws family. It will eventually be picked up by my son and his wife when they next visit, so you can see I can be patient sometimes!

    I also read that the ash tripod would dampen vibration, but I am expecting some as the Tal 100r is longer than the Tal 100rs by about 4 inches so I have read.

    The small issues it has are a cracked main lense cover , and a missing adjustment screw on the finder., I hope to find both in time.

    I will add some photos of it once I have reduced them  in size.

    In regards to the focuser I can see about measuring the length of the extension tube required, my question is where do I get one from once I know the length?

    I read the thread on the celestron prizm diagonal, and will look out for one, when funds permit.

    I have a prizm diagonal I bought off a well known auction site, and would like to know how best to check it by shinning a light down it mentioned in the thread?

    As I stated I read a lot of reviews on the Tal100r with one of the most interesting ones mentioned measuring the quality of the main lense of the Tal 100r against the Tal 100rs by placing the Tal 100r main object lense in the Tal 100rs tube with the conclusion that the Tal 100r objective was better than the Tal 100rs buy a small amount in some tests and allot in others.

    Eventually I hope to get a similar EQ5 mount but that will have to wait till I have mastered the basics.

    So why buy something that has possible problems, and it is the heart ruling the head, and that a retired mechanical engineer dosn't like an easy life, but does like a challenge!

    In regards to the Tal-1, I have focused on the moon, and had some great views that really surprised me how clear and sharp they were. Viewing has been far less than good in the north west of England, so waiting for the next window of opportunity.

    As always many thanks 









  7. So time passes quickly when you just turn 64. I will start with the heart wants what the heart wants, so ever since  childhood a refractor was what I believed to be a telescope.

    This year I bought a Tal 1 and a pair of swift Newport binoculars , and A Polarex 80mm spotting scope, all three  in very good  condition for their age, and have enjoyed using them. Here comes the bit where feelings overcome logic with the feeling is I still wanted what the heart wants.

    I looked at a couple of options of classic telescope, a Polarex 60mm in fair condition for not allot of money and a 3 inch T-705 both in their original boxes. Also a Stellavue  AT-1010 so what happened missed out on the Polarex by not making a decision to buy, the T-705 is still a possibility, and talked out of the  Stellavue by the owner who thought it would not give me anything more then what I already had.

    So up pops a Tal 100r with some minor problems, i then read as many threads as I could find about a scope that has light problems around baffles and a focuser that has a short focus lenght that results in problems using none Tal eyepieces and Barlow's, and  you guessed it I buy it.

    No waiting for a Tal 100rs with issues the Tal 100r had rectified , or saving the pennies for a Tal 125 r, and not following the advice to plug the gaps in my observing  by getting a Dobson. 

    So here I am looking to see if any other forum members  can help me address the light issues with baffles and possible solutions to the focuser problem. And I can here you saying what about the unstable wooden tripod, well all I can say is the heart wants what the heart wants!

    Any help/guidance would be much appreciated.

    Many thanks as always.





  8. Gabby/Captain Scarlet

    Got close to buying it but after discussions with the seller, he didn't feel it was right for me  based on what I have, and suggested I look at a Dobson for deep sky observations .

    What puts me i off the floor mounted Dobson's is the wooden mount and transport issues.

    I will get a refractor not for its performance, but for the feelings it stirs up in me.

    As always many thanks for your help.



  9. Well another miserable day weather wise in the north west of England.

    I am trying to find some reviews/ views on this scope , as yes I have the equipment bug and yes if the good lady wife sees it I will be in trouble, but what the heck you are only here once.

    In anticipation that someone might know something about this modle, I thank you.






  10. Dave

    Out of frustration just bought a pair of vintage binoculars for general star gazing, made me feel some what better. Don't no what my other half will say if the arrive when she is home I hate to think, us men and our hobbies. 

    Stay safe as I just got pinged for a covid proximity warning which was from a trip to the astronomy  club talk on volcanic action on the moon about 2.5 to 3 billion years ago, is no where safe from this virus.





  11. Hi Dave good to here from you, as an ex mechanical engineer I had a close look at the back plate for the turret and on its inside there is no sign of ia screw thread or a pressed on focus tube. The two holes you mention are threaded to hold the spring plate that holds the prism in place. 

    I think I am missing a trick somewhere on how to remove the focuser. 

    The other area is how to remove the main lense for cleaning with the due shield on. 

    Why oh why did Uniton make different versions from the one shown in Dave Trott's video on YouTube. 

    My only other thought being did Unitron make a military version? 

    It's hard to believe that no one across multiple astronomy forums has one of these.

    Still hoping for someone to contact me about this type failing that it will be a limited refurb and live with what I have and use it for low level star gazing. 

    Again as always thank you for help. 









  12. Dave 

    The  way he used the diagonal  made me think of possible accidents.

    I have done some terrestrial viewing an it looked OK not great, but for what I plan to use it for it should be alright for some basic star gazing and for looking at the moon when I am on holiday, and when I am being lazy and not using the Tal 1.

    Be interesting to see what the American website has to say!

    Any idea if I should be using any grease at all on the focuser, and if yes do you know what type?







  13. Thanks Dave 

    I have taken the turret off by removing the small screws from the back plate, once removed all you are left with is a circular disk that fits inside a recess on the turret , the one on you tube reviewed by Dave Trott  has a small stub shaft still attached to the turret when removed from the focuser by undoing a threaded ring.

    The focuser has some marks from I presume was dried grease.

    When i got home from picking it up the focuser was stuck, fully wound in, and it was a struggle to get it to move out.

    I am starting to think that maybe what I can see on where the fucuser joins the plate the turret fixes on to is a result of this.

    At the moment I am not sure what to do so have contacted the Unitron history website to see if I can post a question there.

    Will keep you posted on my progress.

     In regards to eyepieces they are 0.965" with an external screw thread, that allows them to be  screwed in to the turret body and locked into position by a locking ring that is shown in the photo I already attached, my question is have you ever seen any other eyepieces like this?

    Many thanks for your support.







    • Like 1
  14. Hi 

    The you tube video of the Unitron 80mm spotting scope has an additional threaded part that Dave undid to remove the turret the Polarex version does not have this, have looked at the threads and at the end of one of them  Starman gives the impression that it is glued, and that's where the thread ends.

    As an ex engineer it seems strange that Unitron went to the trouble of making different versions for the American and European marks maybe a cost thing. 

    Will add some pictures when I have finished the ironing, oh isn't retirement a wonderful thing.

    Thanks for your help.








  15. Good day to you.

    I have just bought a Polarex 80mm spotting scope for £20 to use as a travel scope as my Tal 1 is to big to take away with me.

    I read allot about them and watched the you tube  video  by Dave where he unscrewed the turret to put a star diagonal on it, which I liked the idea of as I could buy a hybrid diagonal so I could use 1.25" eyepieces.

    Then the problem,  mine seams well and truly stuck on, and won't move.

    My question is does anyone know if they were actually glued on, or I am missing a trick.

    Secondly if any one has one will I be able to change the 0.965 eyepieces for orthoscopics,  as the reviews I have read mention the ones on the turret are not great?

    As it was only £20 I plan to repaint it and lube some of the parts that need it, so any maintenance tips would be useful.

    It didn't come with a box so plan to make one so  any help with dimensions would be helpful 

    Any guidance would be much appreciated.

  16. Mark 

    I still have got the Tal-1, which  I won't get rid of,  saw this and thought it might be worth buying, If I could get it for about £30 to £40. 

    Saw a review on a gear box rebuild, which did seem to be quite a difficult task, just a shame you can't get parts.

    If there were the original engineering drawings it would I believe  be possible to get them 3d printed.


    I hate to see well made equipment go to waste, must be my age !!!





  17. Morning Mark

    I trust you are well, I have found a blue TAL 1m for sale, condition was said to be working 6 months ago. I believe this will be from around the mid 90's, would this be worth buying unseen and what problems should I expect with the  motor  drive, and more importantly how much should I pay for it. 

    Side note it is I believe the 32mm version. 


    Many thanks 



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