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Trevor PC

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Posts posted by Trevor PC

  1. Hello All 

    Well my new lady friend was a 1964 Swift 831 in its original box, with eyepieces etc.

    So she came to me in what the seller said was good condition, I asked all the right questions about fungus, and all parts present and correct, receiving the answer that all was OK.

    Well a small amount of buyer beware was required,  it arrived a day late from Parcel Force 24, and was just the box with no outside protection.

    When opening the box, and reviewing the contents one of the ball axis adjusters  was missing. On to the  eyepieces, all with some form of corrosion on them, and various levels of fungus, on to the diagonal which was missing it's lens holder, one good thing was the Barlow was in very good condition as was the finder and main scope lens.

    On to assembly all mount parts were present and correct though a  bit dirty. Assembly was simple, mounted the OTA and choosing the cleanest eyepieces looked at a near by TV aerial above 150 yards away, and thank god for small mercies it was cristal  clear. Will have to wait for a clear night to check it against my other scopes.

    Next check the axis adjusters, up and down fine, side to side wound hard back against its casting and seized solid and would not budge. So out with the can of WD40 , still no joy!

    Time to cook the wife's dinner, as she had no idea I had a lady friend hidden in the garage!

    Next day the wife had gone to work so the coast was clear, back to the garage, another spray with WD40 still no joy. Out with the hot air paint stripper, and then held the spigot shaft in a Jacobs chuck, and I managed to free it up at last without causing any damage.

    Inside the case was l in good order, the outside a bit beat up., The tripod was the original one and some of the lense holding brackets showing signs of rust, which should clean up, with the original wooden tripod showing age related marks,as expected.

    So what next ,I would like to get the OTA painted in its original light coffee colour, any of you know what this colour is called?

    The lenses need a proper clean , and any ideas how to remove the fungus and what's best to do about the flaking paint on them ? 

    Should have told you the range of swift lenses it came with, which are made up of Huygens 6, 9 and 40mm and a single Kellner, of 20mm, plus an image inverter, 2 x barlow and a solar diagonal minus it's filters.

    The box can wait for its refurbishment will add some photos tomorrow as I need to finish the house work and cook dinner, who new retirement could be this good!!!

    As always any comments or advice would be much appreciated.

    And the cost of the old girl £60 a bargain in my eyes with it planned to be my grab and go, as long as my back holds out!











    • Like 6
  2. Hello Pete 

    As always many thanks for responding.

    That looks an interesting option, will look for owners views on them, could still be a problem with the unsupported s is de dropping, will look for information on how to tighten the centre pivot!

    As always many thanks for your assistance.




  3. Hello Dave (F15Rules) 

    As always many thanks for responding.

    I live on the edge of town with a Bortle rating of 4 -4.5 , the sky was clear last night and the views of the night sky was just as sharp as I had hoped, looking at the moon there did however seem to be a little be of a reflection, which wasn't to unexpected.

    So overall very happy with the bins, next is to try to purchase one of the original Russian tripod clamp mounts.

    As always many thanks for your assistance.




    • Like 1
  4. Hello Dave

    As always many thanks for responding.

    I do see what your saying, I am not sure the unsupported side wouldn't drop!

    Has any one got or used the Russian centre pivot clamp as used on the Trento 20x60's which  I see as the ideal situation, as they are made to fit zomz/,Trento binoculars.

    As always many thanks for your assistance.


  5. Hello Pete_Gamby

    As always many thanks for responding. 

    Thanks for those two options would be interesting to see if the strap method would effect the eye distance, and with the the manfrotto its the possible stress it puts on the unsupported side of the binoculars.

    As always many thanks for your assistance.



  6. Hello Dave 

    As always many thanks for responding.

    I have seen a Nikon mount that could work failing that will have to keep an eye out for one of the original Russian mounts.

    Dave do you know of any way I can edit the title in to get rid of the "Zomk"

    As always many thanks for your assistance.





  7. Hello Dave 

    As always many thanks for responding.

    Let me know if my present attempt of uploading photos has worked.

    Did look at Opticron mount that you mentioned, but after measuring the gap at just  around 32mm not sure they will fit, the right way up.

    The  case has some marks, but nothing major, will be taking on it down to a local leather guy to see if he can improve it, the lid clasps and straps are all mint, and an added bonus no fishy smell though they are 47 years old.

    As previously mentioned they are a bit on the rare side, mint condition,having all the paperwork, presentation box and a silver inscribed plaque indicating they were a 25 year anniversary present from a wife to her husband in 1976, which me being a sentimentalist I found quite touching.

    Any other thoughts on a suitable tripod mount  would be appreciated.

    As always many thanks for your assistance.




  8. Hello 

    After reading many reviews I decided to go for the above binoculars for star gazing. The reason for these is that they were supposed to pin sharp across almost the whole of the view and I thought it would complement my two Tal telescopes.

    They were found on flee bay for a reasonable amount .

    They came in their original presentation box with its original paper work, along with original leather case with both sets of eye filters all in mint condition taking into account their age.

    So out they come from the packaging , and first day light test proved that lenses, where free from dust, with no sign of fungus  All good so far next collimation and again to my eyes spot on, quick refocus, and wow tack sharp across the field of view, will have to wait for a clear night to see how they perform.

    An area where I could do some advice on is a suitable tripod mount, so any help would be much appreciated from any one who has these.












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    • Like 4
  9. Hello Dave

    As always many thanks for responding.

    The 9x63 looks quite a modern design, have asked some questions, will be interested to see what answers I get.

    I also won a bid for a pair of 9x50 Trento, but when I went t of see them they were seized solid so passed.

    In regards to my Tal 1 pedistal project for the 100r I have managed to secure a Tal 1 for £30.

    As always many thanks for your assistance.




  10. Hello Dave 

    As always many thanks for responding.

    Yes they do look like the ones, I did notice the focus adjustment and because of this have decided not to buy.

    When reading about binoculars when looking for a thread on the Bushnell,  I have decided to stick with the 10x50s for now.

    The subject of what is the best size for astronomy seems to throw up allot of differing views on what's best,  depending on exit pupil size.

    As always many thanks for your assistance.


  11. Hello Franklin

    As always many thanks for responding.

    There was a large thread on Cloudy Nights, about whether 10x50s were better than 10x70s and the merritt's or not of larger exit pupil's for most people.

    This resulted in the view that most people would not see a huge difference. This then turned in to a discussion on going to 15x70s.

    For me I think I will stick with my 10x50s and maybe wait until I can try some 15x70s side by side on a good night to see if it is worth the upgrade, or as you suggest 7x50s would be the way to go.

    I do plan to use them on a tripod, so will be interested on people's views on what's best for deep sky for a grab and go option, as I have a reflector and refractor, for planets, moon, and solar observations.

    As always many thanks for your assistance.



  12. Hello Kathleen 

    As always many thanks for responding. 

    How long did you own it and did you just use the supplied TAL eyepieces or other makes. 

    Did you use a barlow with it and was this a TAL or another make. 

    I have read a few reviews that mention stray light around the baffles did yours suffer from this, and did it make a difference in use. 

    I do like the look of the diagonal and it's locking system I have read it stops you using other makes of diagonals.

    I really appreciate discussing the scope with someone who has owned one and has views on it. 

    As always many thanks for your assistance. 



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