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Trevor PC

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Posts posted by Trevor PC

  1. Hello bosun21

    As always many thanks for responding.

    Yes the plan is to do exactly as you mention, I need to find the exact dimensions of the diameter of the 1100hd deluxe that the arms bolt to.

    Once that dimension is known I can get either a plastic or aluminium material turned to exactly fit inside the arms before putting in the bolt holes and then attach a U shaped bracket that an ADM dual vixen/losmandy saddle can be fitted to. 

    That's the plan, and then mount a Pentax 100 sduf ii or WO Zenithstar 80 ii

    As always any views, advice is greatly appreciated.



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  2. Hello Geoff

    As always many thanks for your response.

     As the individual who donated the items only wish was they were put to good use I  would not feel comfortable in moving them on, and breaking that promise.

    So will work out how best to modify the fork assembly to take a short length refractor, with some ideas of using a U shaped bracelet fixed between the fork arms.

    As always any input is much appreciated.



  3. Hi

    From a wet North West England in the UK.

    At my Astronomy club a member of the public had gifted the club a large amount of equipment at no cost, which the club put up for raffle, with the Celestron CPC 1100hd deluxe coming complete with tripod, hand control, a celestron wedge, and Ballance kit all in very good condition, but without the telescope.

    The raffle started, and people took various items, with no one wanting the Celestron and accessories. My name was drawn out 6th and I said I would take it, which drew a lot of laughter, with comments on "what are you going to do with that".

    I could not see it being sent back to the person who donated  it as this would be ungrateful.

    At present I have not got the funds to buy a second hand scope to fit the mount, and if I did would be trouble with my wife.

    The individual who donated the items wanted them to be used, and as I took it, I  feel duty bound to do this, so started to think how to use  it with an existing short refractor.

    I then started to search for someone who had done this type and came across some individuals who had attempted this, but did not respond to mails sent.

    So why do modify the mount I have a ioptron cem25p and an HEQ 5 pro both capable of holding the scope I plan to use?  As I mentioned the individual who gifted the items wanted them used, and I want to be able to go back and show the individual's generosity was not for nothing, and lastly take the modified  item  back to my astronomy club to prove what can be done.

    So if any members have undertaken this type of modification, I would really appreciate if you could spare sum time to drop me a line to explain your modification process along with how successful the modification was.

    As always many thanks in anticipation of a response 


  4. In hope of some information on the MK1 version of the  DS-616C XL from around  2013.

    I would like any views from members that have owned one, still own, one on the following:- 

    1) Operating software, which version of windows it will run on, meade specific software requirements, and  will it work with sharp cap, nebulosity, and other astronomy software.

    2) Pro's and con's, out put quality.

    3) Is it still worth buying one today?

    As always any help on the above would be greatly appreciated, as there seems very little information on the camera on the website.




  5. Hello All

    As always many thanks in anticipation of a response.

    I am looking to covert a Zeiss microscope bino head to use on a 1.25" telescope focuser.

    The area I need help with is understanding the thread size on the dovetail end of the bino head so I can get a 1.25" nose piece made with the requisite male thread.

    Taking a rough measurement it looks around 24mm with a fine pitch.

    I have attached a couple of photos in the hope some one may be able to stear me in the right direction.

    Clear Sky's





  6. Hello All

    As always many thanks in anticipation of a response.

    I am looking to covert a Zeiss microscope bino head to use on a 1.25" telescope focuser.

    The area I need help with is understanding the thread size on the dovetail end of the bino head so I can get a 1.25" nose piece made with the requisite male thread.

    Taking a rough measurement it looks around 24mm with a fine pitch.

    I have attached a couple of photos in the hope some one may be able to stear me in the right direction.

    Clear Sky's





  7. Hello Martin

    As always many thanks for responding.

    To my eyes the asi photo looks sharper, or more in focus.

    I thought Royal Mail were delivering it today, stayed in didn't hear a knock on the door, looked on the web site, said they had attempted delivery.

    When it does turn up it will be interesting to see the results, as people try to put you off CCD cameras.

    Will post my results and thoughts.

    As always many thanks for your assistance.

    Clear Sky's 





  8. Hello Martin

    Many thanks for responding to my question.

    The Loadstar software is still available, looks like the newest version was from 2017. Would look to try that first before trying sharpcap pro, or other software, it will be interesting to see if more up to date software gives any real benefit.

    It is quite strange that most people I have spoke to all suggest CMOS is the way to go, as I will have both it will be interesting to see how they match up.

    As always any help or guidance is much appreciated.

    Clear Sky's



  9. Hello All

    Many thanks in anticipation of a response.

    I would like any opinions on using a Starlight Express Loadstar x2c for EAA, with Starlight Express Live software, along with if possible what would be the effect of a loss of resolution due to the large pixel size to nebulosity, I hope this makes sense.

    As always any assistance is greatly appreciated.

    Clear Sky's






  10. Hello All

    I am looking to use the camera with Starlight Express Live  for EAA/live stacking, and wonder if anyone else has tried this, and if yes what were the results like?

    I already have an Altair Astro 327c , the reason for asking is that it looks like it has a wider field of view when looking at the results on the Black Water Sky's  toolbox then my camera.

    As always any response is greatly appreciated.

    Clear Sky's


  11. Hello Peter, Dave, Mark , and lastly dweller25

    As always many thanks for your assistance.

    I to like the build quality of the Tal telescopes, and have a Tal 1, and a 100r, and was intrigued by the Tal 120 with the correcting optic built in to the focuser resulting in a shorter OTA.

    I was hoping that this not only resulted in a shorter OTA, with improvements to the visual side as well, has anyone got a view on this?

    As always any assistance/views are much appreciated. 





  12. Hello David 

    As always many thanks for responding.

    What size rings are you making the inserts for, 90mm seams the next size up in the sky Watcher availability at FLO.

    I did ask them about 3" and they stated the best they could suggest was 80mm.

    If you let me know what size you plan to print I would be more than happy to cross your hand with silver for some.

    I thought I had a found a site in Canada, who had them for a TV 3" but they never came back to me.

    Telescope Services Germany had them for a 3" Orion refractor in the past but sadly no more😭

    As I don't have any rings in the 80mm to 90mm range I will need to get some, so let me know what type to go for.

    As always any help is much appreciated.





  13. Hello All 

    I want to to place a vintage Swift 831 on a go to mount an am finding it very difficult to find a set, so if anyone can point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.

    The reason for doing this so that I can try a Altair gcam2 on it, and I can here you saying why,  well I want to see what I can achieve with some very good 1968 glass🤔

    As always any help would be much appreciated.














  14. Hello Justin 

    As always many thanks for responding.

    The Tak adapter number would be much appreciated, I had been looking at a Vixen 36.4mm to 1.25" adapter.

    The original eyepieces are nice, but to do the scope justice I believe plossl's would be better.

    The other major challenge is to find a similar/matching slow motion cable, a Hilkin  T-705 looks very similar.

    As always many thanks for your assistance.






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