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Everything posted by MartinsB

  1. Don't worry, I solved a problem replacing the part with a random one from old PC! Mount works again!
  2. Problem solved! I replaced that induction with a random one the same size from old PC motherboard and everything works!!! Maybe it was like a fuse for idiots like me sticking wrong plugs in wrong holes:)
  3. Hello, Tayfun! Have you repaired your mount? I also have burnt my motherboard, but another way. By accident I pushed a ucb plug in hand controllers socket and burnet component L5. Maybe you have any possibility to measure that components value?! Thanks already, buddy!
  4. Hello! I have the same burnt part, but i think I know how it happened. The burnt part is choke throu which is fed +12v to hand controller. I did it by accidentally in the dark sticking a usb plug in hand controllers socket and shortened +12 to ground. The inductance/choke L5 worked as a fuse and burned. Maybe someone can measure that component and tell its nominal, please?!
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