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Everything posted by lennylovit

  1. denso tape is good , it sticks like ( removed word ) to a blanket , use gloves as it will not come off with hand cleaner , got some on a joint in my cat5 cable out side for the last 3years , and we use it in the steel works , it gets a bit hot with red hot steel being rolled and high pressure water jets and it still stays put
  2. the " City Of Llandaff" That's the True City not Cardiff , Lenny
  3. cool thanks both , will give it a go in the morning when I got a clear head , Lenny
  4. still cant make head nor tail of that wiki , I bash metal and use big spanners , welding / milling / turning is my game not got a clue with computers
  5. got the driver side all downloaded and working (win7 64) , its the arduino side that's got me stumped , Arduino: 1.6.0 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Uno" AAF2.ino:34:80: fatal error: OneWire.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. Error compiling. This report would have more information with "Show verbose output during compilation" enabled in File > Preferences. OneWire.h , how and where do I put this file Lenny
  6. so my 14thu (0.35mm)will work out about right Lenny
  7. so its nothing to do with chip distance to flattner , just focus ?? edit to last post , I am a few thu over not under 55mm
  8. do you add the thickness ? or subtract it , I am a few thu under 55mm for 314l , filter wheel(Baader lrgd+ha) , W/O mk3 flattener
  9. sat 20th OR 27th , we try and get up the site before it gets dark to setup , if arriving after dark plz can you drive in on side lights so not to ruin our dark adaption Lenny
  10. Hi Gethyn Welcome to the S Wales group We got a meet @ the Keepers this weekend , if the weather lets us down another is the week after Lenny
  11. brake disc is made out of "cast" and can crack very easy Lenny
  12. Ross you can turn the knobs round the other way , undo the 4 outer studs and the focuser back plate will come off and swop the shaft the other way round ( don't forget the 4 rubber o'rings )then readjust Lenny
  13. had my 150PDS for 2 weeks now and still not got first light with it due to work and clouds suns out no work today now where is that solar film Lenny
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