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  1. ha yeah , this telescope is my first real one , ive been looking upward since i was a nipper and stargazing was allways a passion out of my reach , then suddenly at the ripe old age of 42 a friend posted a pic of saturn on FB and i melted with excitement and found that with careful planning i too cold explore the universe , so far my funniest encounter has been trying to read the view finders ...when i look up with the naked eye i see just polaris then when i look through the finderscope i see about 5 all of the same brightness and dont know which on to choose so i look through the main scope on wide angle and it different again ..soo every clear night at the moment starts of with photographing the moon then learn how to read the scopes and the polar allingment and 3 star allignment , all are getting closer and quicker , but im restricted to just a couple of hours a night due to cloud cover ,
  2. Yeah probably the closest there is , without his collar he has a lovely shaggy mane and is the spitting image , kids comment all the time , one of my goals is to super impose him in front of a full moon , head up and howling ,is that a hiusky or a wolf that comes and sits with you?
  3. My Husky comes out and stays by my side all night too, he looks up just as much as me , they say huskies live by the moon , mine definately does , he/she is gorgeous
  4. Thanks Isabelle , yes thats the plan ,but im taking the pics as an experiment so im ready when i know the stars , kinda taken on alot to learn but its all good, and fascinating stuff. wish you clear skies too Dan
  5. Day one : A comedy start , at 3pm i rebuilt the tripod and telescope , this time reading the manual carefully ,(i think i was a bit excited when it first arrived ) 4pm: took telescope in to garden , lined it up with the north leg facing north , I couldn’t go any further with the set up at this point because clearly it was to light to see Polaris ( the north star)The next step is to line up the finder scope and the main scope so that they are pointing at the same object . “ The Moon” I thought “easy” ………not easy at all! 5.30pm caught a glimpse of the moon in the main scope …gone again! 6pm calmed down and found the moon 10.30 moon gone now and starting to feel really tired, so I started to pack up , 11pm finished packing up ,rolled a fat one ! 11.15pm tried to send jay (the dog) outside for a wee, but he was reluctant to go .So I put my coat on and went outside with him..OMG! It was the clearest night since I had bought the scope , the weeks of waiting have come to an end . 11.30pm took telescope back in to the garden ,lined up Polaris ( much easier this time now the scopes are in line ) Now to connect up the syn scan tracking device , a system that not only tracks the stars with the earths rotation but can also find and point at objects a the touch of a button Time for the manual ..”yep align, yep polaris, yep connection , yep plug in 12 volt power cable ..”right ok lets see , handy car power adapter , yep …….oooh ,No mains adapter ahhh mmm I cant bring my car into the back garden so I cant power it tonight then , so I turn the scope round to look at Betelguese the big red giant ( Orions left shoulder) and found that I could only take 1-2 second exposures before star streaking , Better prepared for next time though Day 2 Took photos of the moon and tried to work out how to mod a webcam but the result was nothing more than a big white smudge , ill try again later . Day3 Lol, well last night i think i worked out polar allignment , and 3 star allignment on the goto synscan computer although it wasnt by any means accurate enough for photos over 1 min all the stars look like comma's ...and after much pain from the scope lining up with the ground i realised the scope was on backwards , it seems that you need an astro physics degree for the instruction manual alone , oh and got loads of 12v spikes of the stand whilst looking through the finderscope must try and earth it next time , still a good evening although short due to cloud cover , and i saw there is loads of **** happening but missed it all with the camera, BUT IM READY NOW! so bring on the next clear night
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