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  1. I made it more vibrant in PS. Is this sort of thing ok? Or do you not process images like this? Adrian
  2. Thanks John. I am redrawing everything to suit my small scope. I've hit a snag though. What is " 1/cos beta" ? I'm supposed to stretch my ellipse that will end up being my segments by 1/cos beta. I've attached the image. The calculation is to compensate for the angle of the segments. My segments will be angled 18 degrees. I got .951056 as the cos of 18. Just not sure what to do with the figure. Adrian
  3. This is really interesting. I hope you post more pictures as you go along. Would love to understand how it works.
  4. John, Thanks so much for posting all this information! I ordered all the bits last night. Looking forward to being able to track things with my Zhumell 130 f5. I'm hoping to be able to cut the segments out on my laser cutter out of Perspex. Interesting to see if it works like aluminum or slips. Just have to figure out how to the draw segments for my 45 degree latitude. The maths are above my paygrade at the moment. Adrian
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