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Everything posted by morimarty

  1. Thats a very impressive full moon image.
  2. Just after capturing my latest Saturn thought I would give Mars another go with my Asi290mm. The focus was just a guess really as mars was bouncing all over the place. C11 Asi290mm Baader RGB filters images resized 160% R6 Cs6 aa5
  3. Yep I know the problem the more you sharpen the more noise we introduce. I need a C14 me and you both๐Ÿ˜„
  4. That is excellent Steve. I would say that is your best to date.
  5. Again just superb images Angie
  6. Thats a lovely captured image Kon. You have done really well considering the windy conditions you had to contend with.
  7. They are both very impressive images Angie. As Laurence said the Jupiter shot as a certain depth to it and Mars well the only way I could describe trying to capture it was like looking at a bouncing atom under a microscope. Very well done indeed.
  8. They are superb images Simon. Really loving the natural processing.
  9. I changed my camara back to the Asi290mm for my latest capture of Saturn. Imaging close to a near full moon caused a few gradients to sort out also it is the first time I used a 1x5drizzle function in As3. C11 Asi290mm Baader filters Reg6 Cs6 aa5 Images resized to 110%
  10. Thats a very smooth looking Saturn Neil. Interesting you used a slower speed I captured my last Saturn around the 21.95ms but as we know every day is different it's about finding the right settings for that occasion.
  11. Very good capture some nice banding visible.
  12. Thank goodness for the high sensitivity in IR of the Asi462c. You have managed to capture some fine detail Kon. I was also out imaging Saturn and they are just going through As3 now as I type but that moon made it very difficult for imaging.
  13. You have done really well Paul in picking out Pluto. Especially shooting towards a near full moon. Pluto must be around Mag14 and the sky glow was horrendous in that region so very well done.
  14. Thats looking very smooth, In fact Neil I would say thats one of your best so far this campaign. Especially with the strange seeing we endured last night. I was struggling to get a focus on Saturn and Mars was a complete waste of time up here.
  15. Saturn Jupiter & Mars captured on the 10-8-22 with a Asi462 Asi Adc C11 & Baader L filter.
  16. A lovely montage of images William and a nice animation to go with them. Also well presented too.
  17. Thats a lovely Mars image Neil. I think we were both imaging it at the same time. I know It.s not a easy one to process. Top stuff mate.
  18. Another cracking set of images Simon.๐Ÿ‘
  19. Excellent images loads of detail on show.
  20. Congrats on Capturing Pluto It is something I have never achieved. I was thinking of going after it armed with a deepsky camera a Atik 460mm. But at the minute though there is to much activity going on with the major planets so will put it on hold for now. also great observatory someone once said the best things come to those who wait.๐Ÿ‘
  21. Well done Kon that is a excellent capture and process.
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