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Everything posted by morimarty

  1. Stunning detail captured from the FLT132 and the Asi533mm.
  2. First time out also for me this year, The conditions wasn't great as a blustery wind was making captures difficult. That said I did manage a couple of RGB runs on Saturn with the added bonus of capturing Titan. C 11 - Asi290mm - baader rgb filters - 1000 frames per channel.
  3. That is a great first time out image of Saturn Simon. You have captured some nice subtle banding and the colour balance looks spot on.
  4. Some absolute stunning detail in this mosaic. I would urge everyone to zoom in for a closer look.
  5. They are a good set of images Kostas despite the conditions.
  6. That looks like a very clean tidy Image/capture Stuart. Colour balance. The banding and Cassini all look very well defined. if only we could get some decent weather.
  7. Thats a lovely image the earwig is looking very clean and sharp.
  8. Well done Kostas for getting out imaging. As Stuart say's any image is an achievement, I have always found the conditions play havoc straight after the heavy rain hopefully looking better for tonight👍
  9. Everything looks spot on Stuart. Colour balance is great it's just the UK skies what's hampered you with this one. As you say at least you've kept them wheels going round ready for that elusive window.
  10. Brilliant news Kostas. Very well deserved Indeed.👍
  11. Thats a great capture of Jupiter and it's satellite. The detail on Ganymede is superb. Was Ganymede deroted or did you do a composite image.
  12. Jupiter captured in the early hours of the 21-09-23 In dismal very damp conditions. The telescope laptop were all dripping wet and the data had a very strong red cast which I can only put down to the damp conditions. C11 - Asi290mm - Baader rgb filters - x1.5 Barlow Reg6 - As3 - Cs6. Derotated 8mins winjupos.
  13. Nice to see a widefield Jupiter image Paul with good detail too.
  14. Thats a very nice image of Saturn. The data you captured looks very clean and smooth despite the high humidity and low elevation.
  15. Lovely smooth animation with lots of detail on show.
  16. I love the colour balance Steve Jupiter as a very natural look about it. Can I ask did use 2x bining.
  17. Your C14 as pulled out some cracking detail Geof. I'll definitly give 1.5 drizzle a go myself.
  18. You know Simon I did image Saturn at the same time as you, but the data went straight in the recycle bin as I could'nt get anything from it. Where as you I think shot your best Saturn so far this apparition.🙂 Hi Kostas I didn't use derotation they were 16 individual osc stills. I just used auto white balance and wavelets in registax6 then into pipp. Thanks Stuart.
  19. Thats a cracking red channel Simon. I agree the C11 especially on Saturn does help bring that little bit more to the table ie, slightly faster frame rates focal length etc. But them C9.25's are certainly no slouches when it comes to imaging,
  20. I thought I would pair up my Osc Asi462 with my C11xlt and try a imaging run on Jupiter with the possibility of doing a animation if all went well. The seeing was Steady but there was a lot of moisture in the atmosphere which did create a lot of noise in the data set. the Jupiter image is 6minutes derotated winjupos and resampled 20%. The Gif Animation is 16 still images made in pipp. (Clouds put pay to more)
  21. Thats a fantastic Jupiter image Maurizio lots of lovely detail around the Grs and the colour balance looks spot on to me too.
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