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Everything posted by morimarty

  1. Yes I am just coming across this problem myself Neil. I think I will do the same as yourself and go with no barlow especially early in the season. My sct does enable me to move the mirror up the tube so I can add spacers on the back to help increase the focal length which should help? I wonder if one of your tripod legs sunk in the ground while you were imaging which could explain your polar alignment Woe's. Still a superb image Neil despite your alignment setback.
  2. A very nice early capture.
  3. Some lovely colour banding detail coming through Neil. I really am amazed for so early in the season do you think the 8"CC cuts through the murk a bit easier than the big newt.
  4. I tell you what Neil the detail in these images is amazing for this early in the season, you certainly have your CC purring right now. Regarding a blueish tinge I have just purchased a ZWO Asi462c and in early terrestrial testing I get a heavy blue cast. I do use firecapture and in the settings tab the WB is Red 52 & Blue 95 by default and there is no adjustment for the green does the qhy version of the 462c have a simular WB? as the Asi seems heavily biased towards blue. I think you know I am new to OSC. So my question is would I just capture in debayer mode and deal with the WB in post Processing. Sorry for picking your brains😀
  5. Well done Neil. It really is looking promising for UK based planetary imaging at last.
  6. I totally agree. these are absolutely superb captures.
  7. Well done Neil on your first saturn of the season. The stella lyra is looking very promising for such a early capture.
  8. They are fantastic captures Kon. The clarity in the middle shot is exceptional. It is a very difficult exercise to capture the ISS but you have nailed it. Very well done.
  9. 😀 me too. The extra light gathering power and sharper contrast of the big orion makes alot of sense . It certainly did not let you down with saturn last year.
  10. Yep I totally agree with all thats said above Neil. I am really looking forward to the coming season and to seeing what the classical cassagrain can produce. Going by your luna images we are all in for a treat.
  11. They are two excellent sharp images.
  12. It does have a very natural look about it Trevor. stitched together very well with good illumination across the panes.
  13. Two great images Kon. The clarity is excellent.
  14. Thats excellent Neil especially at such a low elevation. It as a very natural look about it. I'm thinking of getting a asi462C for the forthcoming season mainly for giffs etc. will be interesting comparing it with asi290mm.
  15. Very nicely done Kon. I bet this wont be the last mineral moon you image.
  16. Great image the skywatcher ed80 certainly punches way above it's weight.
  17. Thats a beautiful image and excellently processed. The190mn as done you proud.
  18. A lovely set of images Neil. Copernicus in particular looks razor sharp.
  19. Thats a lovely moon image Mike. It as a very natural look to it. I do hope you get a clear sky wednesday maybe a mineral moon in the pipeline?
  20. Thats a cracking tack sharp moon shot Steve. You are definitely onto a winner with the new TS 115 Apo. I will keep an eye open on the deepsky section to see how it performs with the stars etc.
  21. Another excellent capture Neil the full size image is showing some wonderful cloud detail. I bet the Bessel U photometric filter felt like a magic wand when you first saw what it is capable of🙂
  22. Thanks for comments and likes everyone. @Trevor N I will look forward to seeing your rendition of a mineral moon. I thoroughly enjoyed this project and it wasn't that time consuming either. I'll just add that I took 50 shots raw with a canon 550d then converted the files to a tiff and processed as usual. @neil phillips bringing the colour out Neil was great fun but what I did notice was it didn't need much sharpening as every time I increased the saturation contrast etc it seemed to over sharpen the image. I think a little bit at a time is best.
  23. This is my first attempt at shooting a colour saturated moon. There as been some amazing mineral moon images posted recently so I have been wanting to give it a try. This was captured using a canon 550d and a SW250pds.
  24. Lovely razor sharp detail in this image.
  25. Absolutely stunning mineral moon shots Neil. They have inspired me to have a go at shooting one myself although I will use a dslr.
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